首先需要安装pip3 1. 安装 setuptools wget --no-check-certificate https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/setuptools/setuptools-19.6.tar.gz#md5=c607dd118eae682c44ed146367a17e26 tar -zxvf setuptools-19.6.tar.gz cd setuptools-19.6.tar.gz python3 setup.py build…
根据项目要求需要用到openssl这个库,看了看编译环境幸好本身就集成了该库.但在编译openssl的功能时,碰到缺少类库的错误. Package test is missing dependencies for the following libraries: libcrypto.so.1.0.0 看了看 编译器路径 /home/sonny/Desktop/bitmain1/openwrt/staging_dir/target-mips_r2_uClibc- 这…
Torch7.0安装步骤(默认安装路径是在home下): git clone https://github.com/torch/distro.git ~/torch --recursive cd ~/torch bash install-deps ./install.sh 在执行./install.sh时出现Missing dependencies for nn:moses >= 1错误,根据参考文献1和参考文献2解决了这个问题.解决步骤如下: 下载Moses工程(使用git或者直接下载并解压均…
今天在编译一个OpenWrt测试用例的时候出现报错 Package airfly_receiver is missing dependencies for the following libraries: libmediaplayer.so 此库文件是在lebo包裹中编译出来的,确认过已经编译成功,且在当前调用的Makefile中添加了DEPENDS字段包含了生成该库的包裹 DEPENDS:=+libcedarx +afapp +miracast2 +lebo 打开lebo包裹里的Makefil…
专为数据科学和机器学习工作流程而设计,是一个开源包管理器,环境管理器,以及Python和R编程语言的分发.它通常用于大规模数据处理,科学计算和预测分析.pip install xxx ,在特定环境里使用pip,下载的包会存在特定环境的目录里面,例如:D:\Anaconda3\envs\nlp\Lib\site-packages\fasttext: conda install xxx ,不管在什么环境下载的包,都统一放在一个目录里面:D:\Anaconda3\pkgs\fasttext, 如果另一…
TCP====== For Indy 8.0 In Delphi, do the following: IdTCPClient1.SocksInfo.Host := [the DNS name of the proxy server or its IP address]IdTCPClient1.SocksInfo.Protocol := [svNoSocks for no SOCKS support, svSocks4 for SOCKS 4, svSocks4A for SOCKS 4 wit…
feature: 采用Python编写, Pip 包管理 CMake, the build system that yotta usesa compiler, to actually compile the code into working programs compiling with different compilers by specifying different targets for the compilation Note: If you have a complex pyth…
Although Drupals 7+ run smoothly on PHP 5.3, Drupal 6 still feels much better with PHP 5.2. Even though D6 core is compatible with PHP 5.3 for quite some time now, a lot of contributes modules still get nasty hiccup when asked to run on the newer ver…
在centos6.X和redhat enterprise 中安装chrome,我找了很久都不行,今天终于找到了可以用下脚本那安装: #! /bin/bash # Google Chrome Installer/Uninstaller or # (C) Richard K. Lloyd <rklloyd@gmail.com> # See http://chrome.richardlloyd.org.uk/ for further details. # This script is in the…
原文地址http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/EclipseRCP/article.html Table of Contents 1. Eclipse 4 1.1. What is Eclipse 4? 1.2. Eclipse 4 vs. Eclipse 3.x 1.3. Terminology 2. The Architecture of Eclipse 2.1. Eclipse based applications 2.2. Core components of…
Installing MySQL Server Here we will learn how to Compile and Install the MySQL Server from source code. After that we will Configure our server for basic functionality and Secure it for general usage. Finally we will discuss the Basics of MySQL Serv…
鸡冻人心的2016,微软高产年. build 2016后 各种干货层出不穷. 1 Win10 集成了bash  ,实现了纳德拉的成诺,Microsoft Love Linux!!! 2 跨平台  ,收购Xamarin ..还给开源了 3 Sqlserver有了Linux的版本............... 4 ASP.NET 5迎来第一个稳定版本,跨平台.在Windows Linux Mac OsX 中都能玩了......... 光说不练假把式,先上图一枚.... ---------------…
Last updated and checked to work with version 3.0.0 of the tools This tutorial will take you through the process of using the "Eclipse Integration Gradle" tooling to import a Gradle multi-project into STS and execute some Gradle tasks on the imp…
中文稍后补充,先上官方原版教程.ROS Kinetic 搭配 Gazebo 7 附件----官方教程 Tutorial: ROS integration overview As of Gazebo 1.9 and ROS Hydro, Gazebo no longer has any direct ROS dependencies and is now installed as an Ubuntu stand-alone package. Historically using Gazebo wi…
Microsoft hosted its premier fall developer event – Connect(); // 2016 in New York on November 16-17, and streamed it live and for free on Channel 9 to developers around the world. While we may be a little late in doing a recap, we wanted to take our…
初次使用jboss7.1.1.final部署项目,遇到了很多困难,最终通过查看官方文档和网上资料得以解决,特此记录一下. error information 2016-05-12 12:53:20 JRebel: 2016-05-12 12:53:20 JRebel: ############################################################# 2016-05-12 12:53:20 JRebel: 2016-05-12 12:53:20 JRebe…
来自odoo的安装步骤 There are mutliple ways to install Odoo, or not install it at all, depending on the intended use case. This documents attempts to describe most of the installation options. Demo The simplest "installation", only suitable for getting…
转自:https://github.com/kergoth/tslib C library for filtering touchscreen events tslib consists of the library libts and tools that help you calibrate and use it in your environment. contact If you have problems, questions, ideas or suggestions, please…
Fuzzing Apache httpd server with American Fuzzy Lop + persistent mode 小结:AFL主要以文件作为输入进行fuzz,本文介绍如何对网络通信程序进行fuzz.需要对程序做出以下更改: 1.保证程序从命令行支持输入文件参数,也就是从本地文件读取字符串buf. 2.从main函数到被fuzz的函数存在一条路径,fuzz(buf)(即被fuzz的函数)会对buf进行处理.更简单说,afl-fuzz给main函数一个文件,fuzz函数要处…
#https://www.tensorflow.org/install/install_linux#ValidateYourInstallation #https://github.com/MVIG-SJTU/AlphaPose #https://github.com/torch/distro gbt@gbt-Precision-7720:~$ gbt@gbt-Precision-7720:~$ cd MVIG-SJTUgbt@gbt-Precision-7720:~/MVIG-SJTU$ gb…
以后的趋势肯定是以一个微服务为主导的, Spring-Boot的指导 Maven整个环境构建之前的整个项目其实是一个很普通的J2SE项目,它构建完之后会进行重构,重构为Maven的一个项目路径.可以看到Maven项目基础的结构就是这样子. 我们可以先看一下/imooc-springboot-starter/pom.xml,pom报错了  安装STS插件(springsource-tool-suite-3.9.6.RELEASE-e4.9.0-updatesite)之后再说吧 Cannot com…
#zlib zlibmodule.c -I$(prefix)/include -L$(exec_prefix)/lib -lz Modules/Setup.dist https://askubuntu.com/questions/661039/trouble-with-zip-support-in-custom-python-build-zipimport-zipimporterror-cant yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ zlib*; wget https://www…
Deepo is a series of Docker images that allows you to quickly set up your deep learning research environment supports almost all commonly used deep learning frameworks supports GPU acceleration (CUDA and cuDNN included), also works in CPU-only mode w…
jq 允许你直接在命令行下对 JSON 进行操作,包括分片.过滤.转换等等.让我们通过几个例子来说明 jq 的功能:一.输出格式化,漂亮的打印效果如果我们用文本编辑器打开 JSON,有时候可能看起来会一团糟,但是通过 jq 的 .(点)过滤器就可以立马让 JSON 的格式规整起来.1.用文本编辑器打开后的样子 2.用 jq 显示的结果 复制代码 代码如下: % jq . soundtag.json 二.快速查询JSON数据利用 jq 能够以 key 作为关键字来对 JSON 作出快速查询, 例如…
#zlib zlibmodule.c -I$(prefix)/include -L$(exec_prefix)/lib -lz Modules/Setup.dist https://askubuntu.com/questions/661039/trouble-with-zip-support-in-custom-python-build-zipimport-zipimporterror-cant yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ zlib*;wget https://www.…
Introduction The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is an open packaging system that runs on Fedora as well as other Linux and UNIX systems. Red Hat and the Fedora Project encourage other vendors to use RPM for their own products. RPM is distributed under the…
1.XAMPP无法启动Apache Xampp的获得和安装都十分简单,你只要到以下网址: http://www.apachefriends.org/zh_cn/xampp.html 下载xampp即可,我安装的是windows版本的Installer安装包,只要根据它的安装提示一路安 装下去就可以了,十分方便快捷. 不过,安装目录最好选择C盘之外的其它磁盘,据某些网友的经验,在Windonws7或Vista中,如果选择C盘安装,由于权限原因,会出现创建一些文件 失败的问题.如果你已经据有最高权限…
xampp启动时显示的错误为: 10:40:18 [Apache] Error: Apache shutdown unexpectedly.10:40:18 [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, missing dependencies, 10:40:18 [Apache] improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by another method.10:40:18 [Apache] Press t…
一. Apache多站点配置方法 1.打开Apache安装目录下conf/httpd.conf文件,找到下面两行文字,把最前面的 # 号去掉,然后保存. #LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/mod_vhost_alias.so #Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf 2.接着找到同一文件中的DocumentRoot和Directory,改为站点目录的上一级目录 例如站点放在 C:/XAMPP/Appserv/Web/h…