函数原型:DWORD WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId (VOID)先看一下原文介绍: The WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId function retrieves the Terminal Services session currently attached to the physical console. The physical console is the monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Note that…
GetLocalTime获取系统时间信息.函数原型:VOID WINAPI GetLocalTime( __out LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime ); 先来看SYSTEMTIME结构:typedef struct _SYSTEMTIME { WORD wYear; WORD wMonth; WORD wDayOfWeek; WORD wDay; WORD wHour; WORD wMinute; WORD wSec…
1.获得程序自身的路径: DWORD GetModuleFileName( HMODULE hModule, // handle to module LPTSTR lpFilename, // path buffer DWORD nSize // size of buffer );参数说明:hModudle :[in] Handle to the module whose path is being requested. If this parameter is NULL, GetModuleF…
函数定义:Retrieves the name of a volume on a computer. FindFirstVolume is used to begin scanning the volumes of a computer. HANDLE WINAPI FindFirstVolume( _Out_ LPTSTR lpszVolumeName, _In_ DWORD cchBufferLength );说明: 检索本机卷的名字,但这个名字是GUID(全局唯一标志符)路径的,可见卷…