第一次从外部文件导入HelloWorld工程到workspace目录中,成功. 删除后,再次从外部导入workspace目录提示 Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace eclipse中删除HelloWorld工程时没有勾选Delete project contents on disk(cannot be undone)则不会删除文件. 这时再次添加HelloWorld工程时提示 S…
前提条件: 1.将eclipse中现有的工程javatraining删除,如下图所示, 该复选框不要勾选,点击ok steps: 1.本次打开Eclipse想要把已删除的javatraining工程再次导入eclipse 2.点击import,选择已存在的javatraining,弹出: Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace的错误提示,导致next按钮不可用 解决方法: 将下图中的…
原文地址: Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace - 浅尝辄止的博客 - 博客频道 - CSDN.NET http://blog.csdn.net/cq0072008/article/details/8393980 1.Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace 2.S…
问题描述: 1 第一次从外部导入工程或者新建工程,成功: 2 删除该工程,但是没有选择delete project contents on disk 3 再次需要该工程,导入该工程时出现警告:Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace,且无法导入工程 4 解决方法:将Copy projects into workspace选择去掉,点击按钮Refresh,即可: 5 原因:删除工程时没有…
1.Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace 2.Some projects were hidden because they exist in the workspace directory 这种情况基本是以下错误操作造成: 1.手动删除本地磁盘下的工程目录 2.删除时,没有勾选Delete project contents on disk(cannot be undone) 以上2…