任务和工作流元数据 端点 描述 输入 GET /metadata/taskdefs 获取所有任务定义 N / A GET /metadata/taskdefs/{taskType} 检索任务定义 任务名称 POST /metadata/taskdefs 注册新任务定义 任务清单清单 PUT /metadata/taskdefs 更新任务定义 一个任务定义 DELETE /metadata/taskdefs/{taskType} 删除任务定义 任务名称 GET /metadata/wo…
https://hacks.mozilla.org/2015/04/es6-in-depth-an-introduction/ What falls under the scope of ECMAScript? The JavaScript programming language is standardized by ECMA (a standards body like W3C) under the name ECMAScript. Among other things, ECMAScrip…
Android 6.0 APIs In this documentSHOW MORE Fingerprint Authentication Confirm Credential App Linking Auto Backup for Apps Direct Share Voice Interactions Assist API Adoptable Storage Notifications Bluetooth Stylus Support Improved Bluetooth Low Energ…
swagger官网:http://swagger.io/ swagger ui demo:http://petstore.swagger.io 让API文档总是与API定义同步更新,是一件非常有价值的事. A Powerful Interface to your API Swagger is a simple yet powerful representation of your RESTful API. With the largest ecosystem of API tooling on…
好消息,特大好消息! 英文原文:Google API library for .NET paves the way for Google services on Windows phone 本月 17 日,谷歌云平台团队正式发布了 Google APIs Client Library for .NET,托管于 NuGet,开发者可快速在 Windows Store 应用或 Windows Phone 应用中整合 Google 服务. Google APIs Client Library for…
http://blog.mashape.com/postman-httpie-test-apis/ We love working with APIs at Mashape, and we love sharing with our community new tools that make your life easier when consuming APIs. Today, we’re taking a look at POSTMAN (Free edition), a GUI power…