How to read very large text files fast】的更多相关文章

Question Does anyone know the fastest way to read large text files (10Mb) into a string.Readln is just too slow.   Answer 1 You may try this: function R(const FileName: string): string; var M: TFileStream; begin M := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOp…
Below is the example to write file on client in Oracle Forms 10g with webutil library package.Note:  Webutil library must be attached to the form.DECLAREv_dir VARCHAR2(250) := 'c:\temp';ft_tempfile CLIENT_TEXT_IO.FILE_TYPE;beginft_tempfile := CLIENT_…
Access text files using SQL statements by DB Query Analyzer Ma Gen feng (Guangdong Unitoll Services incorporated, Guangzhou510300) Abstract   Is it a dream that you can access text files using SQL statements? But now, it is true that DB Query Analyze…
solution 1: <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443" useSendfile="false" compression="on" compressionMinSize="2048" noCompressionUserA…
How would you remove duplicate lines from a file that is  much too large to fit in memory? The duplicate lines are not necessarily adjacent, and say the file is 10 times bigger than RAM. A better solution is to use HashSet to store each line of input…文本文件…
a_file=$1 a_step=$2 b_file=$3 b_step=$4 a_start=1 let a_end=$a_start+$a_step b_start=1 let b_end=$b_start+$b_step a_lines=$(wc -l $a_file | awk '{print $1}') b_lines=$(wc -l $b_file | awk '{print $1}') while true do awk "NR >= $a_start &&…
vi. To input the ^M character, press Ctrl-v , and then press Enter or return . In vim, use :set ff=unix to convert to Unix; use :set ff=dos to convert to Windows.…
GIT基础 取得项目的 Git 仓库 有两种取得 Git 项目仓库的方法.第一种是在现存的目录下,通过导入所有文件来创建新的 Git 仓库.第二种是从已有的 Git 仓库克隆出一个新的镜像仓库来. 在工作目录中初始化新仓库 要对现有的某个项目开始用 Git 管理,只需到此项目所在的目录,执行:$ git init 初始化后,在当前目录下会出现一个名为 .git 的目录,所有 Git 需要的数据和资源都存放在这个目录中. 如果当前目录下有几个文件想要纳入版本控制,需要先用 git add 命令告诉…
简化dba的管理操作 1:启用 omf 23:16:04 SYS@orcl> show parameter DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST NAME TYPE VALUE ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ db_create_file_dest string 23:16:17 SYS@orcl> select distinct, d… 4.2节内容太多,因此将文本特征提取单独作为一块. 1.the bag of words representation 将raw data表示成长度固定的数字特征向量,scikit-learn提供了三个方式: tokenizing:给每个token(字.词.粒度自己把握)一个整数索引id counting:每一个token在每一个文档中出现的次数 normalizing:…
Nearly all of the interesting files for users live under the data directory. The data directory is ~/.config/sublime-text-3 for Linux The Package Directory is located under the data directory. All resources for supported programming and markup langua… Fast Token Replacement in C# Introduction FastReplacer is good for executing many Replace operations on a large string when performance is important. The main idea is to avoi…   If you have any questions about the following tutorial or want to request a future tutorial, join our Telegram chat! Ask us anything! Before re…
转自: To ensure the stable, scalable growth of our diverse tech stack, we leverage a microservices-oriented architecture, letting engineers deploy thousands of services on a dynamic, high-velocity release cycle. These se… LanguageManual LZO     Skip to end of metadata   Created by Lefty Leverenz, last modified on Sep 19, 2017 Go to start of metadata   LZO Compression LZO Compression General LZO Concep…
Sublime Text is an awesome text editor. If you’ve never heard of it, you should check it out right now. I’ve made this tutorial because there’s no installer for the Linux versions of Sublime Text. While that’s not a real problem, I feel there is a cl…
重难点 一.parallelize 方法 一般来说,Spark会尝试根据集群的状况,来自动设定slices的数目.然而,你也可以通过传递给parallelize的第二个参数来进行手动设置. data_reduce = sc.parallelize([1, 2, .5, .1, 5, .2], 1) works = data_reduce.reduce(lambda x, y: x / y) 10.0 data_reduce = sc.parallelize([1, 2, .5, .1, 5, .…
1. Ensure your site or shared folder in one Content Source. 2. Add file types. 3. The second step in getting the file extensions recognised is to add it to the registry entries the SharePoint Server Search service reads when it starts up. This key is…
一个文件被打开,也可能没有文件描述符,比如current working diretories,memory mapped files and executable text files ;losf可以查岀某个进程打开的文件数目: root@GitLab ~]# sh sh- rpcbind rpc cwd DIR , / rpcbind rpc rtd DIR , / rpcbind rpc txt REG , /sbin/rpcbind rpcbind rpc mem REG , /lib6…
Huge CSV and XML Files in Python January 22, 2009. Filed under python twitter facebook pinterest linkedin google+ I, like most people, never realized I'd be dealing with large files. Oh, I knew there would be some files with megabytes of data, but I…
Most MySQL programs can read startup option files(sometimes called configuration files). Option files provide a convenient way to specify commonly used option so that they need not be entered on the command line each time you run a program. Note A My… Introduction Linux utilities often follow the Unix philosophy of design. Tools are encouraged to be small, use plain text files for input and out…
Ascii vs. Binary Files Introduction Most people classify files in two categories: binary files and ASCII (text) files. You've actually worked with both. Any program you write (C/C++/Perl/HTML) is almost surely an ASCII file. An ASCII file is defined…
废话不多说,上车吧,少年 paper链接:Fast R-CNN &创新点 规避R-CNN中冗余的特征提取操作,只对整张图像全区域进行一次特征提取: 用RoI pooling层取代最后一层max pooling层,同时引入建议框信息,提取相应建议框特征: Fast R-CNN网络末尾采用并行的不同的全连接层,可同时输出分类结果和窗口回归结果,实现了end-to-end的多任务训练[建议框提取除外],也不需要额外的特征存储空间[R-CNN中这部分特征是供SVM和Bounding-box regres…
设置Sublime Text新标签页tab打开文件.Sublime Text Files not opening a new tab?每次打开文件,Sublime Text总是把当前的tab打开的文件冲掉,很麻烦,下面就解决这个问题,让他每次打开文件都新开一个tab标签页. 1.加上这个配置:"preview_on_click": false, 2.如何加这个配置:菜单栏-Preferences-Settings User,点击后,在出现的编辑器里,加入上面的配置即可.如图: 3.设置…
pycharm远程链接centos7开发过程中突然遇到“Too many open files”. 几点记录: 1. 命令:ulimit -n 查看系统配置,其中的 表示每个进程最多能打开8192个文件句柄(是句柄数,socket连接也算在里面).如果单个进程打开的文件句柄数量超过了系统定义的值,就会提到“too many files open”的错误提示. 2.  cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max 查看系统允许打开的文件句柄的最大数量. 3. cat /proc/sys/fs…
Introduction Log files are files that contain messages about the system, including the kernel, services, and applications running on it. There are different log files for different information. For example, there is a default system log file, a log f…
Awesome系列的.Net资源整理.awesome-dotnet是由quozd发起和维护.内容包括:编译器.压缩.应用框架.应用模板.加密.数据库.反编译.IDE.日志.风格指南等. 算法与数据结构(Algorithms and Data structures) Algorithmia - Algorithm and data-structure library for .NET 3.5 and up. Algorithmia contains sophisticated algorithms…