WPF has supported validation since the first release in .NET 3.0. That support is built into the binding object and allows you to indicate validation errors through exceptions, an implementation of the IDataErrorInfo interface, or by using WPF Valida…
  源码:Prism5_Tutorial   参考文档 Data Validation in WPF √ WPF 4.5 – ASYNCHRONOUS VALIDATION Reusable async validation for WPF with Prism 5 Validating our ViewModel Implementing a Data Access Layer with Entity Framework 6.1 – Part1 √ Implementing a Data Ac…
1. Prism.Wpf 和 Prism.Unity 这篇是 Prism 8.0 入门的第二篇文章,上一篇介绍了 Prism.Core,这篇文章主要介绍 Prism.Wpf 和 Prism.Unity. 以前做 WPF 和 Silverlight/Xamarin 项目的时候,我有时会把 ViewModel 和 View 放在不同的项目,ViewModel 使用 可移植类库项目,这样 ViewModel 就与 UI 平台无关,实现了代码复用.这样做还可以强制 View 和 ViewModel 解耦…
Prism Attributes for MEF https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee155691%28v=vs.110%29.aspx Generic implementation of IEditableObject via TypeDescriptor and Reflection http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/35066/Generic-implementation-of-IEditableObj…
A very simple example of displaying validation error next to controls in WPF Introduction This is a simple example of validation in XAML for WPF controls and displaying error messages. Background I was looking for something out-of-the-box from WPF wh…
In my previous post, I have already defined how you can inherit from an existing control and define your own reusable chunk. The reusable XAML code that I have defined there is actually a composition of one of more existing elements in a common desig…
首先我们来看一段控制台应用代码: class Program { static async Task Main(string[] args) { System.Console.WriteLine($"Thread Id is Thread:{Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId},Is Thread Pool:{Thread.CurrentThread.IsThreadPoolThread}"); var result = await Example…
前言:在C/S架构上,WPF无疑已经是"桌面一霸"了.在.NET生态环境中,很多小伙伴还在使用Winform开发C/S架构的桌面应用.但是WPF也有很多年的历史了,并且基于MVVM的开发模式,受到了很多开发者的喜爱. 并且随着工业化的进展,以及几年前微软对.NET平台的开源,国内大多数企业的工业系统或上位机系统,也慢慢从使用MFC.QT等C++平台,转向了.NET平台.并且.NET平台上,桌面应用上,WPF由于其独特的一些特性.以及可以制作动画.无损图像等,WPF的占比也越来越高.但是…
--概述 这个项目演示了如何在WPF中使用各种Prism功能的示例.如果您刚刚开始使用Prism,建议您从第一个示例开始,按顺序从列表中开始.每个示例都基于前一个示例的概念. 此项目平台框架:.NET Core 3.1 Prism版本: 提示:这些项目都在同一解决方法下,需要依次打开运行,可以选中项目->右键->设置启动项目,然后运行: 目录介绍 Topic 描述 Bootstrapper and the Shell 创建一个基本的引导程序和shell Regions 创建…
1.添加引用Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Mvvm.dll,Microsoft.Practices.Prism.SharedInterfaces.dll: 2.新建文件夹,View,ViewModel,View中添加新项FirstView.XAML(Window页面),在ViewModel中添加新项FirstViewModel.CS(类): 3.在FirstView.xaml.cs的构造函数中添加  DataContext=new FirstViewModel(); 4.在…