Optimizing graphics performance】的更多相关文章

原地址:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_72b936d801013ptr.html icense Comparisons http://unity3d.com/unity/licenses#iphone Optimizing Graphics Performance http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/Manual/Optimizing Graphics Performance.html iOS A useful bac…
看U3D文档,心得:对于3D场景,使用分层次的距离裁剪,小物件分到一个层,稍远时就被裁掉,大物体分到一个层,距离很远时才裁掉,甚至不载.中物体介于二者之间. 文档如下: Good performance is critical to the success of many games. Below are some simple guidelines for maximizing the speed of your game’s rendering. Locate high graphics i…
本文是Unity官方教程,性能优化系列的第四篇<Optimizing graphics rendering in Unity games>的翻译. 相关文章: Unity性能优化(1)-官方教程The Profiler window翻译 Unity性能优化(2)-官方教程Diagnosing performance problems using the Profiler window翻译 Unity性能优化(3)-官方教程Optimizing garbage collection in Uni…
http://robots.thoughtbot.com/designing-for-ios-graphics-performance  [原文] In the previous article, we explored different techniques to customize the look and feel of UIButton, assigning to each a difficulty level based on the complexity of the Object…
This page gives some general hints for improving script performance on iOS. 此页面提供了一些一般的技巧,提高了在iOS上的脚本性能. Reduce Fixed Delta Time 减少固定的增量时间 Use a fixed delta time value between 0.04 and 0.067 seconds (ie, 15-25 frames per second). You can change this…
DesktopGood performance is critical to the success of many games. Below are some simple guidelines for maximizing the speed of your game's graphical rendering. 好的性能,是很多游戏成功 的关键.下面是一些简单的指引,最大限度地提高你的游戏图形渲染速度. Optimizing Meshes 优化网格You only pay a render…
最近研究U3D开发,个人认为,精通一种新的技术,最快最好的方法就是看它的document,而且个人习惯不喜欢看中文的资料,原汁原味的东西是最正确的,一翻译过来很多东西就都不那么准确了.于是通读了unity的官方manuel,最后面几章都是精华,里面给了非常非常多的官方的优化建议,尤其是做移动平台的开发,这些建议就是非常重要的.我将官方manuel advanced后面的那几个章节的东西提炼了一下出来,总结了这样一些优化tips: 1不是每个主流手机都支持的技术(就是如果可以不用就不用或有备选方案…
转自:http://blog.csdn.net/leonwei/article/details/18042603 最近研究U3D开发,个人认为,精通一种新的技术,最快最好的方法就是看它的document,而且个人习惯不喜欢看中文的资料,原汁原味的东西是最正确的,一翻译过来很多东西就都不那么准确了.于是通读了unity的官方manuel,最后面几章都是精华,里面给了非常非常多的官方的优化建议,尤其是做移动平台的开发,这些建议就是非常重要的.我将官方manuel advanced后面的那几个章节的东…
转自unity圣典: http://game.ceeger.com/Manual/ProfilerWindow.html http://game.ceeger.com/Manual/Profiler.html 分析器窗口 Profiler window Date:2013-07-01 13:44   Attaching to Unity players 附加到Unity播放器 To profile your game running on an other device or a player…
前段时间本人转战unity手游,由于作者(Chwen)之前参与端游开发,有些端游的经验可以直接移植到手游,比如项目框架架构.代码设计.部分性能分析,而对于移动终端而言,CPU.内存.显卡甚至电池等硬件因素,以及网络等条件限制,对移动游戏开发的优化带来更大的挑战. 这里就以unity4.5x版本为例,对Unity的优化方案做一个总结,有些是项目遇到的,也有些是看到别人写的不错拿来分享,算作一个整理,后期也会持续更新.本优化从CPU.GPU和内存三个方面着手总结,这一篇先从CPU说起,整理一些针对C…
使用Profiler工具分析内存占用情况 System.ExecutableAndDlls:系统可执行程序和DLL,是只读的内存,用来执行所有的脚本和DLL引用.不同平台和不同硬件得到的值会不一样,可以通过修改Player Setting的Stripping Level来调节大小. Ricky:我试着修改了一下Stripping Level似乎没什么改变,感觉虽占用内存大但不会影响游戏运行.我们暂时忽略它吧(- -)! GfxClientDevice:GFX(图形加速\图形加速器\显卡 (Gra…
Unity Manual 用户手册 Welcome to Unity. 欢迎使用Unity. Unity is made to empower users to create the best interactive entertainment or multimedia experience that they can. This manual is designed to help you learn how to use Unity, from basic to advanced tech…
网上看到一篇关于灯光的文章,描述的很详细,如下: Lights will bring personality and flavor to your game. You use lights to illuminate the scenes and objects to create the perfect visual mood. Lights can be used to simulate the sun, burning match light, flashlights, gun-fire,…
Unity官方文档之"图形性能优化-优化着色器载入时间"的翻译,E文链接. Optimizing Shader Load Time 优化着色器载入时间 Shaders are small programs that execute on the GPU, and loading them can take some time. Each individual GPU program typically does not take much time to load, but shade…
开始之前先分享几款性能优化的插件: 1.SimpleLOD : 除了同样拥有Mesh Baker所具有的Mesh合并.Atlas烘焙等功能,它还能提供Mesh的简化,并对动态蒙皮网格进行了很好的支持. 该插件可在Run-time和Editor中都可以使用,同时开放了源码,大家可以根据项目的实际情况而作修改. http://download.csdn.net/download/jasonczy/10178526 一. 转载自 http://blog.csdn.net/game_jqd/articl…
By Ilya Grigorik on June 23, 2009 Measuring and optimizing IO performance is somewhat of a black art: the tools are there, the resources and discussions are plenty, but it is also incredibly easy to get lost in the forest. I speak from recent experie…
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The use of a cache memory with a processor facilitates the reduction of memory access time. The fundamental idea of cache organization is that by keeping the most frequently accessed instructions and data in the fast cache…
本文是Unity官方教程,性能优化系列的第三篇<Optimizing garbage collection in Unity games>的翻译. 相关文章: Unity性能优化(1)-官方教程The Profiler window翻译 Unity性能优化(2)-官方教程Diagnosing performance problems using the Profiler window翻译 Unity性能优化(3)-官方教程Optimizing garbage collection in Uni…
本文是Unity官方教程,性能优化系列的第二篇<Diagnosing performance problems using the Profiler window>的简单翻译. 相关文章: Unity性能优化(1)-官方教程The Profiler window翻译 Unity性能优化(2)-官方教程Diagnosing performance problems using the Profiler window翻译 Unity性能优化(3)-官方教程Optimizing garbage co…
http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=1854041 The July/August issue of acmqueue is out now acmqueue is free for ACM professional members. Non-members can purchase an annual subscription for $19.99 or a single issue for $6.99. Download the app from iTune…
HTML5 Techniques for Optimizing Mobile Performance Scrolling Performance layout-performance…
老李分享: Oracle Performance Tuning Overview 翻译   poptest是国内唯一一家培养测试开发工程师的培训机构,以学员能胜任自动化测试,性能测试,测试工具开发等工作为目标.如果对课程感兴趣,请大家咨询qq:908821478,咨询电话010-84505200. 1 性能优化概述 This chapter provides an introduction toperformance tuning and contains the following secti…
小结: 1. 小文件存储于一个文件中: 在内部,磁盘缓存(disk cache)实现了它自己的一组数据结构, 它们被存储在一个单独的缓存目录里.其中有索引文件(在浏览器启动时加载到内存中),数据文件(存储着实际数据,以及HTTP头以及其它信息).比较有趣 的是,16KB以下的文件存储于共同的数据块文件中(data block-files,即小文件集中存储于一个大文件中),其它较大的文件才会存储到自己专属的文件中.最后,磁盘缓存的淘汰策略是维护一个LRU,通 过比如访问频率和资源的使用时间(age…
Mobile is no longer on the sidelines. If you’re not already thinking mobile first, you should at least consider it. Let’s go over compelling data that demonstrate the importance of focusing on performance for mobile devices. Business is Booming on th…
Don't fetch any data that you don't need,or don't fetch any columns that you don't need. Because retrieving more data or more columns, which can increase network,I/O,memory and CPU overhead for the server. For example, if you need several columns you…
Optimizing App-Initiated Network Use This lesson teaches you to Batch and Schedule Network Requests Allow System to Check for Connectivity Network traffic initiated by your app can usually be significantly optimized, since you can plan for what netwo…
FIELD OF INVENTION This invention relates to computer graphics processing, and more specifically to computer graphics processing using two or more architecturally distinct graphics processors. BACKGROUND OF INVENTION Many computing devices utilize hi…
小结: 1. 小文件存储于一个文件中: 在内部,磁盘缓存(disk cache)实现了它自己的一组数据结构, 它们被存储在一个单独的缓存目录里.其中有索引文件(在浏览器启动时加载到内存中),数据文件(存储着实际数据,以及HTTP头以及其它信息).比较有趣 的是,16KB以下的文件存储于共同的数据块文件中(data block-files,即小文件集中存储于一个大文件中),其它较大的文件才会存储到自己专属的文件中.最后,磁盘缓存的淘汰策略是维护一个LRU,通 过比如访问频率和资源的使用时间(age…
[it-ebooks]电子书列表   [2014]: Learning Objective-C by Developing iPhone Games || Leverage Xcode and Objective-C to develop iPhone games http://it-ebooks.info/book/3544/Learning Web App Development || Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques http:…
本文是Unity官方教程,性能优化系列的第一篇<The Profiler window>的简单翻译. 相关文章: Unity性能优化(1)-官方教程The Profiler window翻译 Unity性能优化(2)-官方教程Diagnosing performance problems using the Profiler window翻译 Unity性能优化(3)-官方教程Optimizing garbage collection in Unity games翻译 Unity性能优化(4)…