built-in SpecularType of Unity】的更多相关文章

[built-in SpecularType of Unity] 1.声明变量. 注意并没有在Shader中声明_SpecColor,因为Lighting.cginc中已经帮我们声明. 2.声明使用BlinnPhong光照模型. 3.最后将_SpecPower和Gloss给赋值. SpecPower是指光泽度,小的值带来平滑的光斑,大的值带来小而亮的光斑.Gloss是亮度(光强),值越大,光斑越亮. 4.镜面反射效果如下.…
原文地址 http://www.cliffordroche.ca/monodevelop-4-xamarin-studio-debugging-in-unity/ MonoDevelop 4 (Xamarin Studio) Debugging for Unity 13 Replies This weekend I took some time to try and port the MonoDevelop.Debugger.Soft.Unity addins to Xamarin Studio…
ERROR ITMS-90086 ERROR ITMS-90086:"missing 64-bit support. beginning on february 1, 2015, new iOS apps submitted to the app store must be include 64-bit support and be built with the ios8 SDK......". 这个Error是在提交应用到appstore报的,大致意思就是说 应用不支持IOS64位…
原文地址:http://demo.netfoucs.com/u011707076/article/details/44036839 前言 寒假回家到现在已经有十多天了,这些天回家不是睡就是吃....哎╮(╯▽╰)╭,今天早上一觉醒来,突然得知,UE4免费了,这绝对是个好消息,前不久我还在纠结怎么申请校园账号呢o(╯□╰)o.迫不及待打开电脑下载了UE引擎的一个类似管理的客户端,在里面最醒目的一栏,看到一个令人哭笑不得的导航,如下图: EPIC这是要逆天的节奏吗?不过不管他了,接下来,我们便一同学…
原地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/realtimepixels/p/3652146.html Using External Version Control Systems with Unity Unity offers an Asset Server add-on product for easy integrated versioning of your projects. If you for some reason are not able use the Unity…
Lab 1: Using a Unity Container 实验1:使用一个Unity容器 Estimated time to complete this lab: 15 minutes 估计完成时间:15分钟 Introduction 介绍 In this lab, you will practice using a Unity container to create application objects and wire them together. You will update a…
Introduction 介绍Chapter 1 outlines how you can address some of the most common requirements in enterprise applications by adopting a loosely coupled design to minimize the dependencies between the different parts of your application. However, if a cla…
先决条件是必须为苹果mac机.拥有公司苹果账号,并确保电脑上安装了unity,unity包 ios-support.和xcode. 1.打开了unity应用之后,选择buildSettings 然后点击playerSettings 配置应用相关图标显示,以及其他需要的选项,注意此处填写的bundleID 然后点击build,并选择保存路径,点击save 保存完成.2.点击打开刚打包好的文件夹,选择.xcodeproj文件,双击打开 此时在跳转到xcode中,在左上角选择文件夹,双击项目 这里注意…
1. Detecting Performance Issues 2. Scripting Strategies 3. The Benefits of Batching 4. Kickstart Your Art 5. Faster Physics 6. Dynamic Graphics 7. Masterful Memory Management 8. Tactical Tips and Tricks 1. Detecting Performance Issues  The Unity Prof…
这几个工具的站点 Microsoft Unity  http://unity.codeplex.com Service Locator http://commonservicelocator.codeplex.com MEF  .net4.0内含,3.x前在codeplex上开源 Utility The main reasons to use Unity (or any other IoC container) are if: Ø You have dependencies between yo…