Backing Fields private string description; private int productId; Features A variable in a class Holds data for each object Object's data is only accessiable to that object Fields are private. Accessible outside of the class through property getters…
Application Architecture Define the components appropriately for the application and create project for each one. What is Class? 3 Things: Visual Things, Business Things (Domain Entities), Application Things (like Logging & Email Generation) 3 Types:… the performance of LinkedLists and ArrayLists (and Vectors) (Page last updated May 2001, Added 2001-06-18, Author Jack Shirazi, Publisher OnJava). Tips: ArrayList is faster than…
This document is the user manual for the Yasm assembler. It is intended as both an introduction and a general-purpose reference for all Yasm users. 1. Introduction Yasm is a BSD-licensed assembler that is designed from the ground up to allow for mult…
字典(dictionary)是一个集合,其中每个元素都是一个键/值对.字典(Dictionaries)是常用于查找和排序的列表. .NET Framework通过IDictionary接口和IDictionary<TKey,TValue>接口,以及一些常用的子典了定义了子典协议.每个类在以下方面各有不同: 元素是否已经排序 元素是否能通过索引或键来获取 字典类是generic的还是非generic的 当字段较大时,根据键值获取元素速度的快慢 下表总结了每个字典类,以及它们在上述这几个方面的差异…
Description Searches the list of forms and returns a form module ID when it finds a valid form with the given name. you must define an appropriately typed variable to accept the return value. Define the variable with a type of Formmodule. Syntax FUNC…
原文:我的VSTO之路(五):Outlook初步开发之联系人扩展 上一讲我们完成对Word的介绍,文本开始,我将着重介绍Outlook.Outlook是微软Office中一个非常实用的工具,尤其在一个拥有Windows Domain的公司局域网中,Outlook是员工最常用的通讯工具,所以对Outlook实行进一步的定制开发的需求量是很大的.本文中,我先以联系人的扩展为开始,讲解如何开发一个强大的Outlook插件. 故事的开始 首先我们假设一个场景.有一天,市场部的同事来找你帮个小忙(有经验的…
如果你在做一个报表类的程序,可能将内容导出为Excel文件是一项必须的功能.之前使用MFC的时候我就写过一个类,用于将grid中的数据导出为Excel文件.在使用了QtSql模块后,我很容易的将这个类改写应用在Qt程序中.类的名字叫“ExportExcelObject”.使用起来很简单: // 1. declare an object // – fileName Excel 文件路径 // – sheetName Excel 工作表(sheet)名称 // – tableView 需要导出的QT…
安装完scrapy后,创建一个新的工程: scrapy startproject tutorial 会创建一个tutorial文件夹有以下的文件: tutorial/ scrapy.cfg tutorial/ spiders/ ... These are basically: scrapy.cfg: the project configuration file tutorial/:…
Introduction to Java EE Gain an understanding of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) Examine the Java EE application architecture Examine Java EE container services Examine the EJB component types Evaluate the EJB Lite Container Compare J…