Phases of translation】的更多相关文章

Phases of translation--翻译阶段 The C++ source file is processed by the compiler as if the following phases take place, in this exact order: Phase 1 --96个basic source character set The individual bytes of the source code file are mapped(in implementation…
本文在参考ISO/IEC 14882:2003和cppreference.com的C++ Preprocessor的基础上,对C++预处理做一个全面的总结讲解.如果没有特殊说明,所列内容均依据C++98标准,而非特定平台相关(如VC++)的,C++11新增的特性会专门指出. 1. 简介 通常我们说C++的Build(这里没用“编译”是怕混淆)可分为4个步骤:预处理.编译.汇编.链接.预处理就是本文要详细说的宏替换.头文件包含等:编译是指对预处理后的代码进行语法和语义分析,最终得到汇编代码或接近汇… C++ supports various string and character types, and provides ways to express literal values of each of these types. In your source code, you express the content…
%12d  at least #include <stdio.h> main() { ,sum=,w=; ; ; w<=end; w++ ) { sum+=w; // for(wb=0; wb<=end; wb++ ) { // sum+=wb; // } } printf("%10d",sum); } w The C Programming Language Second Edition #include <stdio.h> main(){ pri…
原文: 第一篇:      首先是预编译,这一步可以粗略的认为只做了一件事情,那就是“宏展开”,也就是对那些#***的命令的一种展开. 例如define MAX 1000就是建立起MAX和1000之间的对等关系,好在编译阶段进行替换. 例如ifdef/ifndef就是从一个文件中有选择性的挑出一些符合条件的代码来交给下一步的编译阶段来处理.这里面最复杂的莫过于include了,其…
Logical query-processing phases in brief (1) FROM This phase identifies the query’s source tables and processes table operators.Each table operator applies a series of subphases.For example, the phases involved in a join are(1-J1) Cartesian Product,…
The Noise Channel Model \(p(e)\): the language Model \(p(f|e)\): the translation model where, \(e\): English language; \(f\): French Language. 由法语翻译成英语的概率: \[p(e|f)=\frac{p(e,f)}{p(f)}=\frac{p(e)p(f|e)}{\sum_e{p(e)p(f|e)}}\] \[arg\max_e p(e|f)=arg\ma…
Datatypes translation between Oracle and SQL Server part 1: character, binary strings Datatypes translation is one of the most important things you need to consider when migrate your application from one database to the other. This is an article in t…
Network Address Translation  来源:       地址转换用来改变源/目的地址/端口,是netfilter的一部分,也是通过hook点上注册相应的结构来工作       Nat注册的hook点和conntrack相同,只是优先级不同,数据包进入netfilter之后先经过conntrack,再经过nat.而在数据包离开netfilter之前先经过nat,再经过conntr…
Reference: QuickstartSample: // Imports the Google Cloud client library import; import…