关于怎么学习python,并将python用于数据科学.数据分析.机器学习中的一篇非常好的文章 Comprehensive learning path – Data Science in Python 深度学习路径-用python进行数据学习 Journey from a Pythonnoob(新手) to a Kaggler on Python So, you want to bec…
Journey from a Python noob to a Kaggler on Python So, you want to become a data scientist or may be you are already one and want to expand your tool repository. You have landed at the right place. The aim of this page is to provide a comprehensive le…
Comprehensive learning path – Data Science in Python Journey from a Python noob to a Kaggler on Python So, you want to become a data scientist or may be you are already one and want to expand your tool repository. You have landed at the right place.…
I joined Analytics Vidhya as an intern last summer. I had no clue what was in store for me. I had been following the blog for some time and liked the community, but did not know what to expect as an intern. The initial few days were good – all the in…
Are you a interested in taking a course with us? Learn about our programs or contact us at There are plenty of articles and discussions on the web about what data science is, what qualitiesdefine a data scientist, how to nur…
Data science blogs A curated list of data science blogs Agile Data Science (RSS) Airbnb Data blog (RSS) Analytics Vidhya (RSS) Andrej Karpathy blog http://karpat…
之前上了台大的机器学习基石课程,里面用的教材是<Learning from data>,最近看了看觉得不错,打算深入看下去,内容上和台大的课程差不太多,但是有些点讲的更深入,想了解课程里面讲什么的童鞋可以看我之前关于课程的第一章总结列表: 机器学习定义及PLA算法 机器学习的分类 机器学习的可能性 我打算边看书边复习讲义,然后用自己的话把每章能看懂的点总结下,欢迎大家指正.由于用语会尽量口语保证易懂,所以会有失严谨性,具体的细节可以看本书.<Learning from data>…
Histograms from: Build a histogram (1) life_exp, the list containing data on the life expectancy for different countries in 2007, is available in your Python shel…
A Complete Tutorial to Learn Data Science with Python from Scratch Introduction It happened few years back. After working on SAS for more than 5 years, I decided to move out of my comfort zone. Being a data scientist, my hunt for other useful tools w…
Comes from: Python is increasingly becoming popular among data science enthusiasts, and for right reasons. It brings the entire ecosystem of a general programming languag…
How do you explain Machine Learning and Data Mining to non Computer Science people? Pararth Shah, ML Enthusiast Answered Dec 22, 2012 · Featured on VentureBeat · Upvoted by Melissa Dalis, CS & Math major at Duke and Alberto Bietti, PhD student in m…
Intermediate Python for Data Science | DataCamp The intermediate python course is crucial to your data science curriculum. Learn to visualize real data with matplotlib's functions…
文章标题 Introducing DataFrames in Apache Spark for Large Scale Data Science 一个用于大规模数据科学的API——DataFrame 作者介绍 Reynold Xin, Michael Armbrust and Davies Liu 文章正文 Today, we are excited to announce a new DataFrame API designed to make big data processing even…
Post Date: September 3, 2014By: Stephanie Miller Marty Rose, Data Scientist in the Acxiom Product and Engineering group, and an active member of the DMA Analytics Council shared the following list of data science books with the Council this week, and…
51 Free Data Science Books A great collection of free data science books covering a wide range of topics from Data Science, Business Analytics, Data Mining and Big Data to Machine Learning, Algorithms and Data Science Tools. Data Science Overviews An…
15 Most Read Data Science Articles in 2015. So far … We've compiled the latest set of "most read" articles from the Data Science Weekly Newsletter. This is what is most popular thus far in 2015 - a mix of interesting applications of data science…