Address: I think this post will be useful to someone new to the iOS development. One of the most important and commonly used classes in…
initWithNibName:bundle 定义:is a message sent to a view (or window) controller in order to create the controller; thus, before the nib is loaded; awakeFromNib 定义:is a message sent to every object in a nib after all of its outlets are hooked up; thus, a…
iOS Development Sites 学习iOS开发有一段时间了,虽然还处于迷茫期,但相比以前的小白痴状态,现在还是蛮有改观的.期间接触了一些很好的网站和博客,现在摘录下来,就当建个索引,没事的时候来喝杯茶,学点技术,提高下自己. 1.iOS的麦加圣地 iOS Dev Center 2.CS193p,视频学习的首选教程 CS193p iPhone Application Development 3.英文学习网站 Google (有问题,找谷歌) Github (源码,直观且…
Setup iOS Development Environment Install XCode and check-out source code from SVN XCode Please find document from Apple on how to install XCode. Check-out Source Code In XCode, Use menu "Source Control" -> "Check-out" to checkout s…