openstack core components use 总结】的更多相关文章

1,openStack core components CLI 使用自身参数执行;…
will to be announced,functional testing,tuning,debuging.....,Enthusiastic audience Please to wait patiently;…
漏洞参考 漏洞概述:在 WebLogic 里,攻击者利用其他rmi绕过weblogic黑名单限制,然后在将加载的内容利用readObject解析,从而造成反序列化远程代码执行该漏洞,该漏洞主要由于T3服务触发,所有开放weblogic控制台7001端口,默认会开启T3服务,攻击者发送构造好的T3协议数据,就可以获取目标服务器的权限. 针对 CVE-2018-2628 的简单利用过程 [ 由于…
<1,keystone安装配置> 1,yum -y install openstack-keystone python-keystoneclient; 2,配置实用mysql存储keytone componts 配置信息 /etc/keystone/keystone.conf connection = mysql:// 创建数据库用户赋予合适权限; 3,Define an authorization token to use as a sh…
<一,preinstall basic conf,pre Env> 1,pwgen(openssl rand -hex 10) some Open-Stack services add a root wrapper to sudo that can interfere with security policies  (Mirantis openStack Certification涉及) 2,apt-get update && apt-get intall ntp; 3,Ope…
<一,> ,OpenStack a few Core Compontents integration with openStack-keystone Identity service1.1,user-createkeystone user-create --name --pass --email1.2,tenant-createkeystone tenant-create --name (remainers tips, public use service tenant)1.3,role-cr…
Components of OpenStack OpenStack is on a mission: to provide scalable, elastic cloud computing for both public and private clouds, large and small. There are currently seven core components of OpenStack: Compute, Object Storage, Identity, Dashboard,…