1045 Favorite Color Stripe 动态规划】的更多相关文章

1045 Favorite Color Stripe 1045. Favorite Color Stripe (30)Eva is trying to make her own color stripe out of a given one. She would like to keep only her favorite colors in her favorite order by cutting off those unwanted pieces and sewing the remain…
1045 Favorite Color Stripe (30 分) Eva is trying to make her own color stripe out of a given one. She would like to keep only her favorite colors in her favorite order by cutting off those unwanted pieces and sewing the remaining parts together to for…
1045 Favorite Color Stripe (30)(30 分) Eva is trying to make her own color stripe out of a given one. She would like to keep only her favorite colors in her favorite order by cutting off those unwanted pieces and sewing the remaining parts together to…
PAT甲级1045. Favorite Color Stripe 题意: 伊娃正在试图让自己的颜色条纹从一个给定的.她希望通过剪掉那些不必要的部分,将其余的部分缝合在一起,形成她最喜欢的颜色条纹,以保持最喜爱的顺序. 据说正常的人眼可以区分大约少于200种不同的颜色, 所以伊娃最喜欢的颜色是有限的.然而,原始条纹可能很长,而Eva希望拥有最大长度的剩余最喜欢的条纹.所以她需要你的帮助找到她最好的结果. 请注意,解决方案可能不是唯一的,但您只需要告诉她最大长度.例如, 给出一条条纹{2 2 4 1…
1045 Favorite Color Stripe (30 分)   Eva is trying to make her own color stripe out of a given one. She would like to keep only her favorite colors in her favorite order by cutting off those unwanted pieces and sewing the remaining parts together to f…
Eva is trying to make her own color stripe out of a given one. She would like to keep only her favorite colors in her favorite order by cutting off those unwanted pieces and sewing the remaining parts together to form her favorite color stripe. It is…
题目如下: Eva is trying to make her own color stripe out of a given one. She would like to keep only her favorite colors in her favorite order by cutting off those unwanted pieces and sewing the remaining parts together to form her favorite color stripe.…
https://pintia.cn/problem-sets/994805342720868352/problems/994805437411475456 Eva is trying to make her own color stripe out of a given one. She would like to keep only her favorite colors in her favorite order by cutting off those unwanted pieces an…
题目例如以下: Eva is trying to make her own color stripe out of a given one. She would like to keep only her favorite colors in her favorite order by cutting off those unwanted pieces and sewing the remaining parts together to form her favorite color strip…
Eva is trying to make her own color stripe out of a given one. She would like to keep only her favorite colors in her favorite order by cutting off those unwanted pieces and sewing the remaining parts together to form her favorite color stripe. It is…
题目链接 Favorite Color Stripe 题意:给定$A$序列和$B$序列,你需要在$B$序列中找出任意一个最长的子序列,使得这个子序列也是$A$的子序列 (这个子序列的相邻元素可以重复) 只要求出这个子序列长度的最大值即可 很基础的DP题,设$f[i]$为当前以$a[i]$结尾的子序列的长度的最大值,扫描$B$序列的每个元素时实时更新即可. #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define rep(i, a, b) for…
Eva is trying to make her own color stripe out of a given one. She would like to keep only her favorite colors in her favorite order by cutting off those unwanted pieces and sewing the remaining parts together to form her favorite color stripe. It is…
Eva is trying to make her own color stripe out of a given one. She would like to keep only her favorite colors in her favorite order by cutting off those unwanted pieces and sewing the remaining parts together to form her favorite color stripe. It is…
题意: 输入一个正整数N(<=200),代表颜色总数,接下来输入一个正整数M(<=200),代表喜爱的颜色数量,接着输入M个正整数表示喜爱颜色的编号(同一颜色不会出现两次),接下来输入一个正整数L(<=10000),代表条带的长度,接着输入L个正整数表示条带上的颜色的编号.输出以喜爱颜色顺序排列的最长子串长度(不必每种颜色都有,只保证相对位置相同,同种颜色可连续). AAAAAccepted code: #define HAVE_STRUCT_TIMESPEC #include<b…
最长公共子序列变形. #include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<algorithm> #include<cstdio> #include<map> #include<queue> #include<string> #include<vector> using namespace std; int n,M,L; ],b[…
1.用一个数组里面存储喜爱数字的值来区分数字是不是喜爱,以及值的大小顺序,用vector循环删除a数组中不是喜爱的元素,这里it=erase()之后it自动指向下一个元素,由于循环每次还要自增1,所以要加上it--. 2.然后就是写dp来寻找最长的序列,序列可以不是连续的,也就是并不是所有的喜爱数字都要选取. #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int n; scanf("%d", &…
1045. Favorite Color Stripe (30) 时间限制 200 ms 内存限制 65536 kB 代码长度限制 16000 B 判题程序 Standard 作者 CHEN, Yue Eva is trying to make her own color stripe out of a given one. She would like to keep only her favorite colors in her favorite order by cutting off t…
Color Stripe Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:262144KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Submit Status Practice CodeForces 219C Description A colored stripe is represented by a horizontal row of n square cells, each cell is pained one of k colors.…
题目传送门 /* 贪心:当m == 2时,结果肯定是ABABAB或BABABA,取最小改变量:当m > 2时,当与前一个相等时, 改变一个字母 同时不和下一个相等就是最优的解法 */ #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; ; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; char s[MAXN]; int main(void) { //…
Eva is trying to make her own color stripe out of a given one. She would like to keep only her favorite colors in her favorite order by cutting off those unwanted pieces and sewing the remaining parts together to form her favorite color stripe. It is…
ACM思维题训练集合 A colored stripe is represented by a horizontal row of n square cells, each cell is pained one of k colors. Your task is to repaint the minimum number of cells so that no two neighbouring cells are of the same color. You can use any color…
将Eva喜欢的颜色按顺序编个优先级, 2 3 1 5 6-> 1 2 3 4 5 然后读取stripe,将Eva不喜欢的先剔除掉,剩下的颜色替换为相应的优先级 2 2 4(去掉) 1 5 5 6 3 1 1 5 6 就变为: 1 1 3 4 4 5 2 3 3 4 5 接下来就是求最长上升子序列LIS的问题了,搞定~ O(n^2)的算法: #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <string.h> #incl…
题目链接:http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/219/C 题意: 给你 $n$ 个方块排成水平一排,每个方块都涂上 $k$ 种颜色中的一种.要求对尽量少的方块进行重新涂色,使得任意两个方块的颜色不同. 题解: $dp[i][x]$ 表示前 $i$ 个方块,第 $i$ 个方块颜色是 $x$,最少重新涂色多少个方块使得满足要求. AC代码: #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int I…
题目链接:http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/219/C 题目大意: 给出一个字符串,只包含k种字符,问最少修改多少个字符(不增长新的种类)能够得到一个新的字符串,这个字符串满足相邻的字符没有相同的.解题思路:k=2时:字符串只能是ABABAB.....或者BABABA.....两种都枚举一下即可.k>2时:若有奇数个相同,如AAAAA则可变为ABABA的形式即可.若有偶数个相同,如AAAAAA则变为ABABAC的形式即可,C保证与后一个不同. 代码…
题目链接:https://uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&page=show_problem&problem=4500 题目分析: 本题要将两条路上的车辆混合成一路,混合方法可以是:每次将一个颜色序列中的开头颜色放入新序列的尾部.可以定义状态d[i][j]为第一个序列移走了i辆车,第2个序列移走了j辆车时,新序列的颜色长度.如何进行状态转移呢? 假设第一个序列为A[n],第二个序列为B[m]…
分析: 完整代码: // 最长公共子序列 #include <stdio.h> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; ; char A[N], B[N]; int dp[N][N]; int main() { freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin); int n; gets(A + ); // 从下标1开始读入 gets(B + ); ); // 由于读入时下标从1开始,因此读…
分析: 完整 代码: // 最长不下降子序列 #include <stdio.h> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; ; int A[N], dp[N]; int main() { freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin); int n; scanf("%d", &n); ; i <= n; i++){ scanf("%d"…
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浏览全部代码:请戳 本文谨代表个人思路,欢迎讨论;) 1041. Be Unique (20) 题意 给出 N (<=105)个数(数值范围为 [1, 104]),找到其中不重复的第一个数字.比如给出5 31 5 88 67 88 17 , 答案是 31 . 分析 简单模拟题,开一个大数组int a[10001];,以读入的数为下标,记录 count:a[index] ++;.结果输出第一个存储为 1 的下标:if (a[index] == 1). 1042. Shuffling Machine…