HANA Database SR Basis Setting】的更多相关文章

HANA Database SR Basis Setting: 1.关闭Hana数据库,把System replication专用的IP地址和相关主机名填写到global.ini配置文件里: #su - s00adm %HDB stop    vi /hana/shared/S00/global/hdb/custom/config/global.ini    [system_replication_communication]    listeninterface = .global    [s…
=====Symptom For SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA users, SAP HANA provides a range of database backup and recovery functions. You must follow the instructions in the SAP HANA Administration Guide at http://help.sap.com/hana_appliance to back up…
Oracle GoldenGate 支持 从SAP  HANA database抽取或者复制数据到SAP HANA database 吗? 来源于: Does Oracle GoldenGate Support Replication to / from SAP - HANA database (文档 ID 1413202.1) 适用于: Oracle GoldenGate - Version and later Information in this document ap…
Symptom You face issues or have questions related to multitenant database containers in SAP HANA environments. Environment SAP HANA Database SPS 09 and higher. Instructions in this Knowledge Base Article has been created on SAP HANA Database Revision…
Symptom This is the SAP Release Note for SAP HANA 2.0 Database Revision 034 ( of the SAP HANA platform software Support Package Stack (SPS 03). Please refer to the following SAP Notes: SAP Note 2380229 - SAP HANA Platform 2.0 - Central No…
利用Veeam保护SAP HANA数据库 前言 针对越来越多的SAP HANA备份需求,我们Team翻译.整理.借鉴了Veeam 的SAP HANA 大神 Clemens Zerbe 和 Ali Salman 的文章,本着力求实用的原则.希望能给我们中国的Partner一些实际的帮助,本文会在以后以多个章节的形式进行体现. 本文主要内容 SAP HANA 介绍 关于SAP HANA 常用术语 关于SAP HANA 体系架构 SAP HANA 备份的重要性 Veeam Plug-in for SA…
Symptom You have questions related to the SAP HANA memory. You experience a high memory utilization or out of memory dumps. Environment SAP HANA Cause 1. Which indications exist for SAP HANA memory problems?2. How can I collect information about the…
数据类型 日期时间类型 DATE(日期) DATE 数据类型由年.月.日信息组成,表示一个日期值. DATA 类型的默认格式为‘YYYY-MM-DD’. YYYY 表示年, MM 表示月而 DD 表示日.时间值的范围从 0001-01-01 至 9999-12-31. 数据类型扩展 除了内置的SQL数据类型,在SQLScript里用户可以自定义一些表类型的数据类型 标准数据类型 SQLScript类型系统是基于SQL-92类型系统的,它支持以下基础数据类型: Numeric types: TIN…
Check out this SDN blog if you plan to write HANA Certification exam http://scn.sap.com/community/hana-in-memory/blog/2012/08/27/my-experience-on-hana-certification Videos available at HANA Academy http://www.saphana.com/community/resources/hana-acad…
configure memory limit for DEV.QAS 目前总内存为1367.19GB, DEV和QAS为同一数据库 我们将设置DEV为600GB QAS也为600GB ================= Create new database S4Q with HANA studio 2175606 - HANA: How to set allocation limit for tenant databases < SPS11 ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGU…
Check out this SDN blog if you plan to write HANA Certification exam http://scn.sap.com/community/hana-in-memory/blog/2012/08/27/my-experience-on-hana-certification Videos available at HANA Academy http://www.saphana.com/community/resources/hana-acad…
Check out this SDN blog if you plan to write HANA Certification exam http://scn.sap.com/community/hana-in-memory/blog/2012/08/27/my-experience-on-hana-certification Videos available at HANA Academy http://www.saphana.com/community/resources/hana-acad…
1. 收集文档 1.1  SAP HANA Rules Framework by the SAP HANA Academy link 1.2  HANA Rules Framework (HRF) blog of blogs  link 1.3  SAP HANA Rules Frameworklink 1.4  2455694 - SAP HANA Rules Framework 1.0 SPS 11 Release Note SAP HRF Version SAP HANA Releases…
约束 注释 你可以给你的 SQL 语句添加注释来增加可读性和可维护性. SQL 语句中注释的分隔如下: l  双连字符“--”.所有在双连字符之后直到行尾的内容都被 SQL 解析器认为是注释. l  “/*”和“*/”.这种类型的注释用来注释多行内容.所有在引号符“/*”和关闭符“*/”之间 的文字都会被 SQL 解析器忽略. 标识符 标识符用来表示 SQL 语句中的名字,包括表名.视图名.同义字.列名.索引名.函数名.存储过程名.用户名.角色名等等.有两种类型的标识符:未分隔标识符和分隔标识符…
P6 EPPM Manual Installation Guide (Oracle Database) P6 EPPM Manual Installation Guide (Oracle Database) Contents Oracle Database Manual Configuration Overview ,,★★5 Oracle Database Installation ,,★★6 Creating the Database Structure for Oracle and Loa…
P6 Professional Installation and Configuration Guide (Microsoft SQL Server Database) 16 R1       May 2016 Contents About This Guide...................................................................................... 11 Shared Topics in This Guide .…
Symptom SAP Support asked you to provide a collection of the relevant diagnosis files (also known as "full-system-info-dump"). Environment SAP HANA database, revision >=30 Resolution You can collect the dump containing the diagnosis informati…
今天手懒,看了一些SAP HANA 的一些外文介绍,不翻译了,直接剽窃过来,供参考. 1. HANA 是什么东西? “HANA doesn't actually mean anything, but some people have coined the phrase High performance ANalytical Appliance, and as this name suggests, it is not just some software you can install. The…
1. 使用业务角色ANALYTICSPRO登录SAP CRM WebClient UI: 点击新建按钮创建一个新的HANA live report: 类型选择SHL: 弹出窗口,维护report的名称,描述信息,和底层使用哪个SAP HANA Live Query: 可以使用F4 help来选择系统里标准的HANA live query: 这篇文章里我使用的是:OpportunityQuery. 2. 这个ID OpportunityQuery是在ABAP后台系统事务码SPRO里配置的. 路径:…
Symptom HANA 2.0 SPS03 installation using hdblcmgui failed due to the below error message. [Error] /usr/sap/HDD/HDB00/exe/hdbnsutil call failedProgram /usr/sap/HDD/HDB00/exe/hdbnsutil terminated with error: signal 11 core dumpedInstallation of SAP HA…
try to start SAP system but failed 2019-04-04 Symptom: when i tried to start SAP system, using the command: sapcontrol -nr 60 -function InstanceStart PRDERPAS01 60 and I get the below failed information: FAIL: NIECONN_REFUSED (Connecion refused), NiR…
SAP HANA:High-Performance Analytic ApplianceSAP HANA XSC:Extended Application Services Classic(SAP推出的基于HANA的扩展应用服务引擎,是一个轻量级的应用服务器,内嵌在SAPHANA内存数据平台当中作为HANA表与视图的一个程序逻辑与web服务) 1.列存储:适合做数据的读取和分析,主要用于业务数据表:TID(Transaction ID)事务ID2.行存储:数据更新效率更高,主要用于系统表:CID…
select event,count(1) from gv$session group by event order by 2;exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot;select 'alter system kill session '''||sid||','||serial#||''';' from v$session where event='latch free'; SET LINESIZE 200SET NEWPAGE NONECOL…
DDL Setup Steps SQL> grant execute on utl_file to ggs; Grant succeeded. Create GLOBALS file [oracle@zwc ~]$ cd /ggs/ [oracle@zwc ggs]$ cat GLOBALS  GGSCHEMA GGS run marker_setup.sql [oracle@zwc ggs]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release –…
Section 1: Overview Section 2: Installing Section 3: Configuring Section 4: Maintaining Section 5: Using Section 6: Customizing Section 7: Translating Section 8: Troubleshooting Appendix A: Migrating to Unicode Appendix B: Locale Data Section 1. Over…
There are two types of Standby databases: 1, Physical standby database block-for-block basis the physically identical with the primary database user recovery technology 2, Logical  standby database shares the same schema definition withe the primary…
2743711 - Possible Unexpected Results When Using Query With an ORDER BY Clause on a Rowstore Table With a Parallelized Search on a Cpbtree-Type Index Version 14 from May 28, 2019 in English Show Changes Symptom A query on a rowstore table containing…
[入门级] visual studio 2010 mvc4开发,用ibatis作为数据库访问媒介(一) Date  周二 06 一月 2015 By 钟谢伟 Tags mvc4 / asp.net 示例下载 实现编程环境 安装visual studio 2010,由于mvc4并不是visual studio 2010默认的mvc版本,因此首先需要安装visual studio 2010 service package 1,然后安装mvc4即可,在安装visual studio 2010 serv…
MySQL 慢查询日志分析及可视化结果 MySQL 慢查询日志分析 pt-query-digest分析慢查询日志 pt-query-digest --report slow.log 报告最近半个小时的慢查询: pt-query-digest --report --since 1800s slow.log 报告一个时间段的慢查询: pt-query-digest --report --since '2013-02-10 21:48:59' --until '2013-02-16 02:33:50'…