First day for introducing me】的更多相关文章

Windows 10将在今年夏天正式发布,今天微软官方博客分享了一些Windows 10版本的细节.详见Introducing Windows 10 Editions Windows 10 HomeWindows 10 MobileWindows 10 ProWindows 10 EnterpriseWindows 10 EducationWindows 10 Mobile EnterpriseWindows 10 IoT Core个人用户前三个版本将可以从Windows 7, Windows…
Introducing shard translator by Krutika Dhananjay on December 23, 2015 GlusterFS-3.7.0 saw the release of sharding feature, among several others. The feature was tagged as “experimental” as it was still in the initial stages of development back then.…
微软推出的免费新书<Introducing Microsoft SQL Server 2012>,该书详细介绍微软SQL 2012数据库服务最新功能以及功能应用和使用技巧. 该书适合SQL DBA和数据库开发人员参考阅读. PDF下载地址:官方下载 官方内容介绍: 该书共1…
Introducing the Blog Module Now that we know about the basics of the zend-mvc skeleton application, let's continue and create our very own module. We will create a module named "Blog". This module will display a list of database entries that rep…
Series Introduction Packetloop CTO Michael Baker (@cloudjunky) made a big splash when he presented ‘Finding Needles in Haystacks (the Size of Countries)‘ at Blackhat Europe earlier this year. The paper outlines a toolkit based onApache Pig, Packetpig…
This article is available in Serbo-Croatian,  Japanese and German. (Translations in Serbo-Croatian by Jovana Milutinovich, Japanese by @noradaiko and German by Jonas Pencke (@jonaspencke).) Translations in other languages are welcome! How awesome wou…
Introducing Regular Expressions 读书笔记 工具: regexbuddy: 在线测试平台: 进阶读物: Mastering Regular Expressions Regular Expressions Cookbook 资料: Notepad++… Introducing Additional Slaves to an Existing Replication Environment 引入额外的Slaves 到一个存在的复制环境: 如果添加另外的slave 到一个存在的复制配置,你可以这样做 不需要停止master. 代替的是,设置新的slave 通过 拷贝一份存在的slave,除了配置新的slave 使用不同的server-id值 复制现有的存在slave: 1.关闭存在的slave: shell> mysqladmin…
       本文从哈利_创.转载请注明出处.有问题欢迎联系本人!        邮箱 上一期的地址: DX 9 UI设计学习笔记之二 第4章 Introducing DirectInput ====================================================================== 在这一章中我们要学到例如以下东西: .Create COM interfaces that represent and contr…
[译]Introducing ASP.NET vNext and MVC 6 原文: Part of the ASP.NET vNext initiative, ASP.NET MVC 6 represents a fundamental change to how Microsoft constructs and deploys web frameworks. T…