首先查出字段的默认值约束名称,然后根据默认值约束名称删除默认值约束 ) select @constraintName = b.name from syscolumns a,sysobjects b where a.id=object_id('TB_KYSubProject') and b.id=a.cdefault and a.name='Final_Belong_Programme' and b.name like 'DF%' SELECT @constraintName exec('alte…
整理一下级联更新和删除 c#调用返回值 use master go IF exists(select 1 from sysdatabases where name='temp') BEGIN DROP DATABASE temp END create database temp go use temp go --drop table ProductInfo create table ProductInfo ( ProductId int primary key , ProductName var…
jQuery获取Select选择的Text和Value: $("#select_id").change(function(){//code...}); //为Select添加事件,当选择其中一项时触发 var checkText=$("#select_id").find("option:selected").text(); //获取Select选择的Text var checkValue=$("#select_id").val…