[Algorithm] Universal Value Tree Problem】的更多相关文章

A unival tree (which stands for "universal value") is a tree where all nodes under it have the same value. Given the root to a binary tree, count the number of unival subtrees. For example, the following tree has 5 unival subtrees: 0 / \ 1 0 / \…
A Simple Tree Problem Time Limit: 3000ms Memory Limit: 65536KB This problem will be judged on ZJU. Original ID: 368664-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: Main Prev Submit Status Statistics Discuss Next Type: None   None Graph Theory 2-…
I. A Simple Tree Problem Time Limit: 3000ms Memory Limit: 65536KB 64-bit integer IO format: %lld      Java class name: Main   Given a rooted tree, each node has a boolean (0 or 1) labeled on it. Initially, all the labels are 0. We define this kind of…
A Simple Tree Problem Time Limit: 3 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB Given a rooted tree, each node has a boolean (0 or 1) labeled on it. Initially, all the labels are 0. We define this kind of operation: given a subtree, negate all its labels. An…
原题: ZOJ 3686 http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemCode=3686 这题本来是一个比较水的线段树,结果一个mark坑了我好几个小时..哎.太弱. 先DFS这棵树,树形结构转换为线性结构,每个节点有一个第一次遍历的时间和最后一次遍历的时间,之间的时间戳都为子树的时间戳,用线段树更新这段区间即可实现更新子树的效果,用到懒操作节省时间. 坑我的地方: update时,不能写成:tree[rt].mark = 1,…
题目链接:http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemCode=3686 题意:给定一颗有根树,每个节点有0和1两种值.有两种操作:o a操作,把以a为根节点的子树的权值全部取反:q a操作,求以a为根节点的子树权值为1的节点个数. 先求出树的先序遍历结果,并且记录每颗子树的节点个数,然后就可以用线段树维护了.. //STATUS:C++_AC_240MS_6524KB #include <functional> #inclu…
题目链接 : https://nanti.jisuanke.com/t/29228 There is an apple tree in Teemo's yard. It contains n nodes and n-1 branches, and the node 1 is always the root of the tree. Today, Teemo's father will go out for work. So Teemo should do his father's job in…
Description Given a rooted tree, each node has a boolean (0 or 1) labeled on it. Initially, all the labels are 0. We define this kind of operation: given a subtree, negate all its labels. And we want to query the numbers of 1's of a subtree. Input Mu…
Description Write a function that add two numbers A and B. Clarification Are a and b both 32-bit integers? Yes. Can I use bit operation? Sure you can. Example Given a=1 and b=2 return 3. Challenge Of course you can just return a + b to get accepted.…
Given a binary tree, return the inorder traversal of its nodes' values. Example: Input: [1,null,2,3] 1 \ 2 / 3 Output: [1,3,2] Follow up: Recursive solution is trivial, could you do it iteratively? /** * Definition for a binary tree node. * function…
Solution: 根据树的遍历道的时间给树的节点编号,记录下进入节点和退出节点的时间.这个时间区间覆盖了这个节点的所有子树,可以当做连续的区间利用线段树进行操作. /* 线段树 */ #pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:102400000,102400000") #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cmath>…
已经连咕了好几天博客了:比较经典的题目 题目大意 给出一个 N 个点的树和$K_i$, 求每个点到其他所有点距离中第 $K_i$ 小的数值. 题目分析 做法一:点分树上$\log^3$ 首先暴力做法:对于每个节点维护其他点距离的值域线段树.这个做法的瓶颈在于关于边$(u,v)$线段树的转移.那么可以利用点分树(为了保证复杂度)换一种容斥的思路利用重复的信息:记$f_i$为以$i$为根的点分树内所有其他点到点$i$的距离的值域线段树:$g_i$为以$i$为根的点分树内,所有点到$i$的点分树父亲的…
本文主要做了两件事,一是提出了一种使用C4.5算法生成的决策树来识别密文所使用的加密算法的方法,二是为这一算法设计了一个特征提取系统提取八个特征作为算法的输入,最终实现了70%~75的准确率. 准备工作 通过分析各式各样的密文,作者发现密文都是由乱码(符号).字母(大小写)和数字组成的,然后利用这些信息的熵.最大熵等构建决策树. 整个过程分为训练阶段和测试阶段.训练阶段的目标是创建一个分类模型,包括特征提取和分类两个过程.测试阶段包括特征提取和识别两个过程,是利用训练阶段训练好的模型进行加密算法…
Problem E. Split The Tree Problem Description You are given a tree with n vertices, numbered from 1 to n. ith vertex has a value wi We define the weight of a tree as the number of different vertex value in the tree. If we delete one edge in the tree,…
D Tree Problem Description   There is a skyscraping tree standing on the playground of Nanjing University of Science and Technology. On each branch of the tree is an integer (The tree can be treated as a connected graph with N vertices, while each br…
Revenge of Segment Tree Problem Description In computer science, a segment tree is a tree data structure for storing intervals, or segments. It allows querying which of the stored segments contain a given point. It is, in principle, a static structur…
Revenge of Segment Tree Problem DescriptionIn computer science, a segment tree is a tree data structure for storing intervals, or segments. It allows querying which of the stored segments contain a given point. It is, in principle, a static structure…
10628. Count on a tree Problem code: COT You are given a tree with N nodes.The tree nodes are numbered from 1 to N.Each node has an integer weight. We will ask you to perform the following operation: u v k : ask for the kth minimum weight on the path…
http://www.spoj.com/problems/SEGSQRSS/ SPOJ Problem Set (classical) 11840. Sum of Squares with Segment Tree Problem code: SEGSQRSS Segment trees are extremely useful.  In particular "Lazy Propagation" (i.e. see here, for example) allows one to c…
10628. Count on a tree Problem code: COT You are given a tree with N nodes.The tree nodes are numbered from 1 to N.Each node has an integer weight. We will ask you to perform the following operation: u v k : ask for the kth minimum weight on the path…
375. Query on a tree Problem code: QTREE You are given a tree (an acyclic undirected connected graph) with N nodes, and edges numbered 1, 2, 3...N-1. We will ask you to perfrom some instructions of the following form: CHANGE i ti : change the cost of…
Home » Practice(Hard) » Observing the Tree   https://www.codechef.com/problems/QUERY Observing the Tree Problem Code: QUERY Submit Tweet All submissions for this problem are available. Chef gives you a tree, consisting of N nodes. The nodes are numbe…
Mahmoud was trying to solve the vertex cover problem on trees. The problem statement is: Given an undirected tree consisting of n nodes, find the minimum number of vertices that cover all the edges. Formally, we need to find a set of vertices such th…
Tree Problem Description You are given a tree (an acyclic undirected connected graph) with N nodes. The tree nodes are numbered from 1 to N There are N - 1 edges numbered from 1 to N - 1. Each node has a value and each edge has a value. The initial v…
Dylans loves tree Problem Description Dylans is given a tree with N nodes. All nodes have a value A[i].Nodes on tree is numbered by 1∼N. Then he is given Q questions like that: ①0 x y:change node x′s value to y ②1 x y:For all the value in the path fr…
Revenge of Segment Tree Problem Description In computer science, a segment tree is a tree data structure for storing intervals, or segments. It allows querying which of the stored segments contain a given point. It is, in principle, a static structur…
1094 - Farthest Nodes in a Tree problem=1094" style="color:rgb(79,107,114)"> problem=1094&language=english&type=pdf" style="color:rgb(79,107,114)">PDF (English) Statistics Forum Time Limit: 2 second(s) Memory Li…
1.二叉搜索树:去一个陌生的城市问路到目的地: for each node, all elements in its left subtree are less-or-equal to the node (<=), and all the elements in its right subtree are greater than the node (>). 给予一个已经排序好的整数数组, 生成一个相对合理的二叉搜索树.(?相对合理的?) 给予一个二叉树的根节点,验证该树是否是二叉树搜索树,(…
Magic boy Bi Luo with his excited tree Problem Description Bi Luo is a magic boy, he also has a migic tree, the tree has N nodes , in each node , there is a treasure, it's value is V[i], and for each edge, there is a cost C[i], which means every time…
I collect and make up this pseudocode from the book: <<Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms_Second Edition>> _ Anany LevitinNote that throughout the paper, we assume that inputs to algorithms fall within their specified ranges…