Writing a Kernel in C++】的更多相关文章

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catalog . 程序功能概述 . 感染文件 . 前置知识 . 获取ROOT权限: Linux Kernel <= - Local Privilege Escalation 1. 程序功能概述 . 得到root权限 . 感染文件 . 进行破坏 Relevant Link: https://github.com/karottc/linux-virus 2. 感染文件 该病毒采取感染.C源代码文件的方式进行传播感染,即在每个被感染的源代码的主函数中插入恶意函数的调用,以及在文件的其他位置插入恶意逻…
    一般来说,车载导航主机都需要外接若干个UART的外设,如支持HFP的蓝牙模块.与原车通信的CAN解码盒模块.u-blox的GPS模块和DVD机芯等.早年使用Telechips TCC8902+WinCE6.0的方案,该芯片串口比较多,基本够用.最后实在不够时想了一招,动态复用调试串口,参见<WinCE下调试串口的动态复用>.后来改用RK3188+Android做车机,RK3188没那么多串口,于是将所有串口外设都接到了STM32上,甚至把触摸屏和收音机等IIC的设备也一并接了过去.ST…
making a linux usb driver http://www.kroah.com/linux/ http://matthias.vallentin.net/blog/2007/04/writing-a-linux-kernel-driver-for-an-unknown-usb-device/ http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/7353?page=0,2 sudo lsusb -v -d 16c0:05df                    …
The Android kernel is a powerful ally to the reverse engineer. While regular Android apps are hopelessly restricted and sandboxed, you - the reverser - can customize and alter the behavior of the operating system and kernel any way you wish. This giv…
目标 主库宕机不丢数据(Master Failover without data loss) facebook有两篇不错的文章: 2015/01: performance-issues-and-fixes-mysql-56 2014/04: semi-synchronous-replication-at-facebook 1. Loss Less Semisync 半同步复制实现的关键点是Master对于事务提交过程特殊处理.目前实现半同步复制主要有两种模式,AFTER_SYNC模式和AFTER…
Most of the Android user are using their Android phone just for calls, SMS, browsing and basic apps, But form the development prospective, we should know about  Android internal structure. Android uses several partitions (like boot, system, recovery,…
The Linux tracing APIs are a relatively new addition to the kernel and one of the most powerful new features its gained in a long time. Unfortunately the plethora of terms and names for the system can be confusing, so in this follow-up to my previous…
嵌入式Linux设备驱动程序:编写内核设备驱动程序 Embedded Linux device drivers: Writing a kernel device driver 编写内核设备驱动程序 最终,当您用尽了之前所有的用户空间选项后,您将发现自己必须编写一个设备驱动程序来访问连接到设备上的硬件.字符驱动程序是最灵活的,应该能满足你90%的需求:网络驱动程序适用于使用网络接口,而块驱动程序用于大容量存储.编写内核驱动程序的任务很复杂,超出了本文的范围.最后有一些参考资料可以帮助你.概述一下与…
启动 NFS 守护进程:rpc.nfsd: writing fd to kernel failed: errno 111 (Connection refused) rpc.nfsd: unable to set any sockets for nfsd   解决办法就是重新启动rpcbind服务即可: service rpcbind restart service nfs restart…