activity_main.xml选择Design显示rendering problems no render target selected 在stackOverflow上找到了答案: You need to run the AVD Manager to add a virtual device that matches the target API version your project is set to. Click Tools->Android->AVD Manager. Clic…
出现:Rendering Problems the following classes could not be (Fix Build Path, Edit XML, Create Class) Tip: Try to build the project不能显示图形化界面 解决办法: style文件中theme改一下 在Theme.AppCompat.Light.Dar…
今天第一次使用android studio, 莫名其妙出现 no render target selected的错误,没有设计界面, 各种百度之后在 找到了答案, I solved it with File -> Invalidate Caches/Restart. 虽然解决了还是莫名其妙,猜测原因可能是,在安…
GPU Debugger GPU Debugging Tools The GPU debugging tools are an experimental feature intended to help inspect GPU state and understand what caused a specific rendering outcome. Installing the GPU Debugging Tools The GPU Debugging Tools are not instal…