题目链接:http://lightoj.com/volume_showproblem.php?problem=1285 题意:给你一些点,然后把它们用一条线把它们连起来,构成一个多边形,不能有相交,必须用完所有的点,如果不能构成输出Impossible: 不能构成就是所有的点在一条直线上的时候:先按极角进行排序,然后倒着找到一个不再起点到终点那条线上的点,倒着连接起来: #include <stdio.h> #include <algorithm> #include <cst…
1285 - Drawing Simple Polygon   PDF (English) Statistics Forum Time Limit: 2 second(s) Memory Limit: 32 MB Given set of points in the plane, your task is to draw a polygon using the points. You have to use all the points. To be more specific, each po…
Keywords: 极角排序, Simple Polygon Generation Given set of points in the plane, your task is to draw a polygon using the points. You have to use all the points. To be more specific, each point of the set has to be a vertex of the polygon, and the polygon…
<zw版·Halcon-delphi系列原创教程> Halcon分类函数012,polygon,多边形 为方便阅读,在不影响说明的前提下,笔者对函数进行了简化: :: 用符号“**”,替换:“procedure” :: 用大写字母“X”,替换:“IHUntypedObjectX” :: 省略了字符:“const”.“OleVariant” [示例] 说明 函数: procedure AddNoiseWhiteContourXld( const Contours: IHUntypedObject…
LINK:Not So Simple Polygon Embedding 搞了好久终于搞会了. 错误原因 没找到合适算边长的方法 要么就是边长算的时候算错了. 几何学的太差了 最后虽然把十边形的和六边形的给解出来了 但是还是没有找到一个公式. 一个简单的方法:构建出外接圆 利用余弦定理等等来解三角形即可. 最后容易推出 答案. const db Pi=acos(-1.0); int n,T; int main() { //freopen("1.in","r",std…
原文: http://tutorials.jenkov.com/svg/polygon-element.html Polyline 虽然说这个 元素我没用过,但是还是蛮强大的,也翻译下 示例 <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <polyline points="0,0 30,0 15,30" st…
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang='zh-cn'> <head> <title>Insert you title</title> <meta name='description' content='this is my page'> <meta name='keywords' content='keyword1,keyword2,keyword3'> <meta http-equiv="…
There are two ways to draw basic shapes like circles, ovals, lines, arcs, squares, rectangles, rounded rectangles, and polygons. The first is to use specific drawing methods like Graphics.drawOval(). This example uses these methods. The second is to…
题目链接: http://poj.org/problem?id=3597 Polygon Division Time Limit: 2000MSMemory Limit: 131072K 问题描述 Given a regular polygon, there are numerous ways to divide it into several triangles and/or quadrangles by adding some diagonals that do not properly i…
See also e575 The Quintessential Drawing Program. public void paint(Graphics g) { // Set the desired font if different from default font String family = "Serif"; int style = Font.PLAIN; int size = 12; Font font = new Font(family, style, size); g…