The following sections describe how some Android features are reflected in the manifest file. Intent Filters The core components of an application (its activities, services, and bro…
In July 27, 2012 , it was the first milestone in Android plug-in technology. Yimin Tu(mmin18 on Github), who worked for , released the first Android plug-in open source project--AndroidDynamicLoader, and the App of was…
Information about LocalDB comes from here and SQL Server 2014 Books Online. LocalDB is the full SQL Server Express engine, but invoked directly from the client provider. It is a replacement of the current “User Instance” feature in SQL Server Express…
注:非5.0特定的开发问题,可以在这个帖子里查:Android开发问题汇总. 1.官方提供的例子android-support-v7-appcompat编译时提示android:actionModeShareDrawable属性不存在 官方例子里这个工程的target是19,需要改为21才能正确编译,否则提示“error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name: attr 'android:actionModeShareDraw…
This chapter introduces the simplest plug-in solution that are applicable to the four major components. This solution involves the following aspects: 1) Combine the dex of all plugins to solve the problem of loading plug-in's class. 2) Declare the fo…