Process 'xx' Is Running】的更多相关文章

最近在试着使用idea,工具快捷键和设置都不太熟,今天遇到进程占用问题,感觉有必要总结一下,避免下次遇到同样问题. 常用快捷键: ctrl+n 搜索 ctrl+Shift+n 全部搜索 Ctrl+Alt+L 格式化 Ctrl+F12 查看类方法列表 Ctrl+Alt+左右箭头 返回上一步操作位置 Ctrl+N 查找类 Ctrl+Shift+N 查找文件 Ctrl+Alt+B 查找实现类 Ctrl+Z撤销   Ctrl+Shift+Z反撤销   进程占用问题: 问题描述: 在开发测试中,经常需要同…
参考Problem with ap-hotspot 问题描述: This is the message displayed in my terminal screen when I typed sudo ap-hotspot start Another process is already running Which process is running and how do I stop it? 解决方法: I found this solution sudo rm /tmp/hotspot.…
命令service Redis start /var/redis/run/ exists, process is already running or crashed 引起这类问题一般都是强制关掉电源或断电造成的,也是没等Linux正常关机 科学的处理办法2种 1:可用安装文件启动     redis-server /etc/redis/6379.conf 2:shutdown -r now 软重启让系统自动恢复下就行了 注:网上的说法不可取,不要改动任何文件,其实什…
问题: 用git Bush提交的时候遇到一个问题,不论做什么操作都遇到下面的错误信息: fatal: Unable to create 'XXXXXXXXX' : File exists. If no other git process is currently running, this probably means a git process crashed in this repository earlier. Make sure no other git process is runni…
复位到A节点的时候点了取消(终止),又去复位另外个节点,结果每次不管复位哪个都会报这个错误 fatal: Unable to create 'XXXXXXXXX' : File exists. If no other git process is currently running, this probably means a git process crashed in this repository earlier. Make sure no other git process is run…
命令:service redis start /var/redis/run/ exists, process is already running or crashed 引起这类问题一般都是强制关掉电源或断电造成的,也是没等linux正常关机 科学的处理办法2种 1:可用安装文件启动     redis-server /etc/redis/6379.conf 2:shutdown -r now 软重启让系统自动恢复下就行了. 命令:redis-server 报错的原因…
今天帮同事上传一个代码(预生产环境),当我执行到git add 文件 的时候,出现了如下错误: If no other git process is currently running, this probably means a git process crashed in this repository earlier. Make sure no other git process is running and remove the file manually to continue. 网上…
执行启动命令:service redisd start 提示信息:/var/run/ exists, process is already running or crashed 解决方式:进入/var/run/文件夹 执行:rm -f 再次执行启动命令即可…
redis启动显示 /var/run/ exists, process is already running or crashed 出现这个执行 rm -rf /var/run/ 删掉这个pid,重新启动即可…
原因:用SourceTree提交代码,发现这个问题.好像是因为上个进程没停止,造成文件不识别 解决:把仓库目录里的.git/index.lock文件(文件是隐藏的)删除就可以了.删除index.lock不会影响Git使用.是说index文件被锁住了,但是还有一个index文件要进行操作.… 3.1 Meaning of OutOfMemoryError One common indication of a memory leak is the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError error. This error is thrown when there is insufficient space to allocate an ob…
I am using `&`: why isn't the process running in the background?     No problem. We won't show you that ad again. Why didn't you like it? Uninteresting Misleading Offensive Repetitive Other Oops! I didn't mean to do this.          up vote9down votefa…
COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND ARCHITECTURE DESIGNING FOR PERFORMANCE NINTH EDITION To understand the operation of the short-term scheduler, we need to consider the concept of a process state. During the lifetime of a process, its status will change a num…
Sample This tutorial will show how to instrument a unit test DLL for performance profiling. Visual Studio will allow you to do performance profiling on individual tests (i.e. functions) in a test suite. This can be done in the user interface (i.e. UI…
说明:本文依然依赖于 contiki/platform/native/contiki-main.c 文件. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 根据上一个笔记里面添加的printf()语句的打印信息提示,hello world 打印是在执行了 autostart_st…
ps由于历史的原因,所以很奇特,有些命令必须加"-",比如: ps A 上面的写法是错误的 ********* simple selection ********* ********* selection by list ********* -A all processes -C by command name -N negate selection -G by real group ID (supports names) -a all w/ tty except session le…
Situation: there is a script or command is running, but we need to close current box/windows to do other things. Below ways are available. 1. Ctrl+Z:  Stop the current process e.g.  + /usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64/bin/sqlplus -L -S sys AS SYSDBA @*.s…
First run: lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock Then make sure that process isn't running: ps cax | grep PID If it is running: kill PID #wait kill -9 PID Make sure process is done: ps cax | grep PID Then remove the lock file: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock Let dpkg f…
系统中有一个监听BOOT_COMPLETED广播的自启应用,概率性出现启动后被kill掉的现象.Log如下: - :: I ActivityManager: Process (pid ) has died - :: D ActivityManager: SVC-handleAppDiedLocked: app = ProcessRecord{19911aa7}, = - :: D ActivityManager:…
A program is an executable file store. A process is a running program. A thread is a single sequence stream within a process.…
PostgreSQL: Documentation: 10: 1.2. Architectural Fundamentals As is typical of client/server applications, the client and the server can be on different hosts. In that case they communicat…
The present invention allocates resources in a multi-operating system computing system, thereby avoiding bottlenecks and other degradations that result from competition for limited resources. In one embodiment, a computer system includes resources an…
ASP.NET Core 2.2 has been out for a while now and with it come some significant improvements to the hosting model if you plan on hosting in IIS. In previous versions you were required to host ASP.NET Core applications by proxying requests from IIS in…
一,libxml/HTMLparser.h file not find 第一种方法: 点击左边项目的根目录,再点击右边的Build Settings,手工输入文字:“Header search paths”,然后单击(或双击,点击弹出面板下面的“+”号进行添加)“Header search paths ”右边的空白处,输入:/usr/include/libxml2 第二种方法: 点击左边项目的根目录,再点击右边的Build Settings,手工输入文字:“Header search paths…
Vertica节点宕机处理一例: 查询数据库版本和各节点状态 常规方式启动宕机节点失败 进一步查看宕机节点的详细日志 定位问题并解决 1. 查询数据库版本和各节点状态 dbadmin=> select version(); version ------------------------------------ Vertica Analytic Database v6.1.3-7 (1 row) dbadmin=> select node_name, node_id, node_state,…
1       GoldenGate简要说明 GoldenGate现在是业内成熟的数据容灾与复制产品,经过多年的发展与完善,现在已经成为业内事实上的标准之一. GoldenGate软件是一种基于日志的结构化数据复制软件,它通过解析源数据库在线日志或归档日志获得数据的增删改变化,再将这些变化应用到目标数据库,实现源数据库与目标数据库同步. 1.1  Golden Gate技术结构 GoldenGate软件的技术结构如图1.1所示: 图1.1GoldenGate技术架构图 从图中可以看到:Golde…
Liunx 常用命令================================================================================ 1. 远程拷贝文件--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- scp -r xyf@ ./android/ 2. 远程登录…
1,警告:"xoxoxoxo"  is deprecated解决办法:查看xoxoxoxo的这个方法的文档,替换掉这个方法即可.2,警告:Declaration of "struct sockaddr" will not be visible outside of this function解决办法:在你的开源.m文件中添加 #import <netinet/in.h>3,警告:Implicit conversion from enumeration t…
说在前面的话   重新试多几次.编译过程中会出现下载某个包的时间太久,这是由于连接网站的过程中会出现假死,按ctrl+c,重新运行编译命令. 如果出现缺少了某个文件的情况,则要先清理maven(使用命令 mvn clean) 再重新编译.  Spark源码编译的3大方式 1.Maven编译 2.SBT编译  (暂时没) 3.打包编译 前言 Spark可以通过SBT和Maven两种方式进行编译,再通过make-distribution.sh脚本生成部署包.…
官网 管理工具 卸载rm -rf /usr/bin/redis-*或者 rm -rf /usr/local/bin/redis-* 配置文件 redis-server /etc/redi…