HDU1502 Regular Words】的更多相关文章

链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=1502 思路:当只有两个数时,可以用卡特兰数做,当三个数时,没想到卡特兰数的做法.可以使用动态规划. 状态转移方程如下: dp[i][j][k] = dp[i - 1][j][k] + dp[i][j - 1][k] + dp[i][j][k - 1] 代码如下: import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Scanner; public class Mai…
要是c语言可以和java一样写大数就好了,或者我会写重载就好了,最后还是只能暴力一把. 开始写的记忆化搜索,然而n=10就超过LL了 #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<iostream> #include<memory.h> #include<algorithm> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<str…
题目: Problem Description Consider words of length 3n over alphabet {A, B, C} . Denote the number of occurences of A in a word a as A(a) , analogously let the number of occurences of B be denoted as B(a), and the number of occurenced of C as C(a) . Let…
Implement regular expression matching with support for '.' and '*'. '.' Matches any single character. '*' Matches zero or more of the preceding element. The matching should cover the entire input string (not partial). The function prototype should be…
用MongoVUE,发现报错,报错信息如下: System.ArgumentException: 字体"Courier New"不支持样式"Regular". 说明本机字体安装不够:需安装完整的Courier New字体,百度下载后,并将.ttf文件拷贝到到C:\Windows\Fonts下,windows会自动安装. 此时,再打开MongoVUE便可以正常使用了…
今天在使用bootstrap的时候引入的js文件出现错误Syntax error on token "Invalid Regular Expression Options", no accurate correc: 大概意思就是无效的表达式什么的,具体解决方法如下: 1.选中报错的js文件或报错内容.2.右键选择 MyEclipse-->Exclude From Validation .3.再右键选择 MyEclipse-->Run Validation 即可. 本文参照h…
Implement regular expression matching with support for '.' and '*'. DP: public class Solution { public boolean isMatch2(String s, String p) { int starCnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < p.length(); i++) { if (p.charAt(i) == '*') { starCnt++; } } boolean[] s…
问题: Implement regular expression matching with support for '.' and '*'.'.' Matches any single character.'*' Matches zero or more of the preceding element.The matching should cover the entire input string (not partial). 官方难度: Hard 翻译: 实现正则表达式匹配字符串,支持特…
命令:scp  -P1234  /data/aa   root@192.0.0..0:/data 文件结构:/data/aa/yearmonth=2015-09 报错:not a regular file 报错原因:这是一个文件夹,而不是文件,因此要加参数-r 正确命令:scp -r -P1234  /data/aa   root@192.0.0..0:/data…
Implement regular expression matching with support for '.' and '*'. '.' Matches any single character. '*' Matches zero or more of the preceding element. The matching should cover the entire input string (not partial). The function prototype should be…