Block //定义一个求两个数最大值函数 int maxValue (int ,int); //函数的实现 int maxValue (int a, int b){ return a > b ? a : b; } //函数指针 (调用可以用 p 或者 maxValue) int (* p)(int,int) = maxValue; int max = p(24, 48); block是一个匿名函数,也是一个函数,只不过没有名字而已.也叫语法块. 把函数名去掉剩余的部分就是函数类型. 对于B…
<head> var mychar=document.getElementById("con"); function hidden(){"none"; } function hidden(){"block"; } </head> <body> <p id="con">做为一个Web开发师来说,…
Understanding the most common CSS display types of block, inline-block, and inline will allow you to get the most out of your HTML and use CSS Frameworks like Bootstrap to their fullest. Takeway: Inline: Can NOT add height and width. But can add marg…