"ArcGIS Unknown Spatial Reference"问题: shp文件在Arcgis打开后经常因为原有坐标系无法识别而丢失信息,出现以下提示信息: "Unknown Spatial Reference The following data sources you added are missing spatial reference information. This data can be drawn in ArcMap, but cannot be pro…
Source: Brain voyager support Theoretical Background Spatial smoothing means that data points are averaged with their neighbours. This has the effect of a low pass filter meaning that high frequencies of the signal are removed from the data while enh…
# This file contains command-line options that the C# # command line compiler (CSC) will process as part # of every compilation, unless the "/noconfig" option # is specified. #========================================== # Reference the common Fra…
# This file contains command-line options that the C# # command line compiler (CSC) will process as part # of every compilation, unless the "/noconfig" option # is specified. # Reference the common Framework libraries /r:Accessibility.dll /r:Mic…
Chapter_3 Intensity Transsformations and Spatial Filtering 灰度变换与空间滤波 Intensity transformation function s = T(r) (size of the neighborhood is 1*1) Some Basic Intensity Transformation Functions 1.Image Negatives 图像反转 $ s = T(r) = L - 1 - r $ 2.Log Tran…
在创建数据集的时候,提示The XY domain on the spatial reference is not set or invalid错误. 原因:未设置空间参考(ISpatialReference:pSpatialReference)的域范围(Domain). 解决办法: (1) 通过以下代码进行设置Domain即可: pSpatialReference.SetDomain(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); 或者 ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.ISpati…
在创建数据集的时候,提示The XY domain on the spatial reference is not set or invalid错误. 原因:未设置空间参考(ISpatialReference)的域范围(Domain). 解决方法:通过以下代码进行设置Domain即可:pSpatialReference.SetDomain(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); 代码示例: ISpatialReferenceFactory pSpatialReferenceEnviro…
在学习r-cnn系列时,一直看到SPP-net的身影,许多有疑问的地方在这篇论文里找到了答案. 论文:Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition 转自:http://blog.csdn.net/xzzppp/article/details/51377731 另可参考:http://zhangliliang.com/2014/09/13/paper-note-sppnet/ http:/…
空间插值技术应用必读论文---P. Goovaerts, Geostatistical approaches for incorporating elevation into the spatial interpolation of rainfall. Journal of Hydrology, 2000, 113-129. 本博文从研究意义.研究区及预处理.所使用的插值方法以及对插值方法的评价这四个角度对该文进行了详细评述,并分析了该文的一些不足. 1内容评述 该文利用三种以高程作为辅助信息的…
在ArcGIS中通过SDE存储空间数据到Oracle中有多种存储方式,分别有:二进制Long Raw .ESRI的ST_Geometry以及基于Oracle Spatial的SDO_Geometry等等. <UpDooGIS原创> 关于这几种方式的各自的优缺点不是主要的探讨的方向,这些我们可以通过ArcGIS中的ArcGIS Server Help得到相关的帮助.这里主要是学习关于基于Oracle Spatial的存储方式,通过这种存储方式几何列Shape的字段类型为mdsys.sde_geo…
栅格计算器中用得到$$相关函数 $$NROWS: the number of rows in the analysis window (行数)$$NCOLS: the number of columns in the analysis window (列数)$$CELLSIZE: the current cell size specified in the analysis environment (像元大小)$$WX0: minimum x-map coordinate of the curr…
转自:http://www.cnblogs.com/beniao/archive/2011/03/22/1989310.html 友情提示,您阅读本篇博文的先决条件如下: 1.本文示例基于Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2调测. 2.具备 Transact-SQL 编程经验和使用 SQL Server Management Studio 的经验. 3.熟悉或了解Microsoft SQL Server 2008中的空间数据类型. 4.具备相应(比如OGC规范.KML规范)的…