Hi I am having an issue with the Task Scheduler API in my QT C++ program. I used the example code for a logon trigger here. The first error I got was CoI…
Using the error lookup tool that comes with VC++ (errlook.exe, or "Error Lookup" on the Tools menu in the IDE), the error message for 0x80041318 is "The task XML contains a value which is incorrectly formatted or out of range." In the…
Problem: Windows Task Scheduler Fails With Error Code 2147943785 Solution: This is usually due to a permissions issue. It’s due to the user that is running the scheduled task not having the Log On As Batch Job assignment. To fix it, have your Network…
If an error occurs, the Task Scheduler APIs can return one of the following error codes as an HRESULT value. The constants that begin with SCHED_S_ are success constants, and the constants that begin with SCHED_E_ are error constants. Note Some Task…
There was an internal API error. 错误原因:把Product Name作为程序名称,程序名称错乱 解决方法:检查Product Name, 不要包含中文以及特殊字符.在info.plist中新增Bundle display name:我的程序名称.程序名称改为英文,Product Name也改为一样的. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 当我们改了工程的名…
1.当安装应用到4s时,偶尔有些程序会报这个错误,There was an internal API error 解决办法如下: 真机运行下,项目在iOS8.0下运行正常,但是一旦换到iOS7.0和7.1就报这个错误,clear一下,删除真机上原有的app,仍然没有任何作用,捣鼓了很久终于找到问题所在,解决如下: bulid settings -> packaging -> product name 不要写中文和特殊的符号,写成英文,重新运行,见证奇迹的时刻到啦!…
xcode7更新之后使用真机调试,在IOS8的一台iphone6也没问题.IOS9.2的一台iphone6s也没问题.但是在IOS7.0的一台iPhone4s上面在最后安装的时候居然安装失败,提示 There was an internal API error 如果你看到这段文字,说明您正使用RSS阅读或转自<一棵树-博客园>,原文地址: 通过N多次百度之后,收集了一些方法,整理一下: 方法一…