In this lesson, we'll filter a list of objects based on multiple conditions and we'll use Ramda's allPass function to create a joint predicate from multiple, individual predicate functions. const R = require('ramda'); const { allPass, propEq, lte, pr…
In this lesson we'll look at how you can use Ramda's unfold function to generate a list of values based on an initial seed. const R = require('ramda'); // if return false, then stop iteration // [n1, n2]: n1 is the value to be added to the result arr…
基于多重虚拟扩展阵列的宽带信号DOA估计[1]. 宽带DOA估计是阵列信号处理领域的一个重要研究方向.在DOAs估计的实际应用中,信号总是会被噪声破坏,在某些情况下,源信号的数量大于传感器的数量,因此不能通过一些传统的算法正确地解决源问题.文中提出了一种将空间重采样和四阶累积量相结合的宽带DOAs方法——多重虚拟扩展阵列(MVEA).在信源个数大于传感器个数的情况下,MVEA能够正确地找到宽带源的方向,通过空间重采样和四阶累积量的虚拟扩展,MVEA获得了比仅采用空间重采样虚拟扩展(SRVE)的方…
A collection of multiple user credentials each associated with one of multiple different users is obtained at a device, and one or more of the multiple user credentials are verified. A determination is made as to whether access to a resource is permi…
We'll learn how to get a subset of an array by specifying items to include with filter, or items to exclude using reject. We'll also look at how to get the results from both filter and reject, neatly separated with partition. // we don't need to requ…
ES2019 introduces the Array.prototype.flatMap method. In this lesson, we'll investigate a common use case for mapping and filtering an array in a single iteration. We'll then see how to do this using Array.prototype.reduce, and then refactor the code…
We don't always control the data we need in our applications, and that means we often find ourselves massaging and transforming our data. In this lesson, we'll learn how to transform objects in a declarative way using ramda's evolve function. Assume…
In this lesson, we'll use Ramda's toPairs function, along with map, join, concatand compose to create a reusable function that will convert an object to a querystring. const R = require('ramda'); const {map, join, concat, compose, toPairs} = R; const…
We find a couple of DOM nodes that may or may not exist and run a calculation on the page height using applicatives. For example we want to get the main content section size by reduce the height of header and footer, nomarlly we will do like this: 1.…
BLESS全称:Bloom-filter-based Error Correction Solution for High-throughput Sequencing Reads,即基于布隆过滤器的高通量测序修正方法. 原文链接: 1.首先对布隆过滤器的原理进行简单解释. 布隆过滤器[1](Bloom Filter)是由布…