NASM Syntax】的更多相关文章

NASM has a simplified syntax designed to let the user code with minimum overhead. In its simplest form, a NASM program needs nothing more than the assembly-language instructions; no assembler directives are necessary. NASM also makes some improvement…
GAS or GNU as syntax is a different form of syntax for assembly language files, known also as AT&T syntax after the original style. It is commonly used by other versions of GAS for other architectures (i.e. non-x86). This guide is not a complete refe…
我使用NASM编写的,运行在32位windows和linux主机上,但后来需求增加了,需要在64位windows和linux上运行,windows自身有个wow(windows on windows)机制,32位程序根本不用移植就能在64位机器上跑,而linux虽然没有LOL机制(是Linux on linux,不是laugth out loud哈,呵呵 ~),但linux 可以安装ia-libs库(ia 应该是 Intel x86 Archive的简写)达到LOL效果,不过,编译ELF64和W…
Yasm 1.3.0 Release Notes Target Audience Welcome to the 1.3.0 release of the Yasm Modular Assembler. Its target audience includes people who want to: use a mature NASM-syntax x86 and AMD64 assembler…
bsdasm 来源 Preface by G. Adam StanislavWhiz Kid Technomagic Assembly language programing under Unix is highly undocumented. It is generally assumed that no one would ever want to use it because various Unix systems run on…
This document is the user manual for the Yasm assembler. It is intended as both an introduction and a general-purpose reference for all Yasm users. 1. Introduction Yasm is a BSD-licensed assembler that is designed from the ground up to allow for mult…
NASM mode for Emacs   Quick post for those Emacs users out there.   The common assembler used on GNU/Linux nowadays is the GAS assembler, part of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). If, like me, you get upset with the AT&T syntax and prefer working wi…
早先Microsotf的Windows Live Writer(WLW)现在已经开源了,并且更名为Open Live Writer,但是现在Windows Live Writer还是可以现在,Open Live Writer相较于WLW官方说删减了一些功能,但是也添加了一些新的功能.对于一般博主来说已经够用了.OLW现在已经成为.NET Foundation的一部分了. 本来Open Live Writer是准备支持插件的,但是目前为止仍不支持插件.在WLW中经常使用的代码高亮插件多数是synt…
同事反馈他在一测试服务器(CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511)上修改了/etc/profile文件后,使用source命令不能生效,让我帮忙看看,结果使用SecureCRT一登录就发现下面错误信息: Last login: Fri Nov 4 00:42:45 2016 from   -bash: $'\r': command not found   -bash: $'\r': command not found   -bash: $'\r': c…
演示如何获取文件的缩略图 FileSystem/ThumbnailAccess.xaml <Page x:Class="XamlDemo.FileSystem.ThumbnailAccess" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmln…