Top 5 Business Messaging Announcements at Facebook F8 2019 By Iaroslav Kudritskiy May 2, 2019 With the Facebook F8 Conference 2019 wrapping up, this is an excellent time to update you on the effect Facebook's plans have on business messaging. With th…
原文链接: By Robert Thibodeau –  Starting a business can be a very daunting adventure if a proper plan is not put in place. Most entrepreneurs start up their businesses without putting adequate plans in place to succeed. No wo…
原文链接: When I started my first business, I made a lot of mistakes (everyone does). While mistakes are unavoidable, you can use the lessons learned by others to prevent t… 会议 · 第一天 (2018/04/20 周五) 时间 日程 上午 主题演讲 大数据下的软件质量建设实践 黄闻欣 出品 人工智能与深度学习实践专场(解决方案专场) 曹倩芸 出品 运维开发实践专场(解决方案专场) 孙春鹭 出品 第一会议厅 203AB 201AB 201CD 09:00-09:10 极客邦科技主题演讲 池建强 极客邦科技 / 总裁…
The Top 50 Proprietary Programs that Drive You Crazy — and Their Open Source Alternatives 01 / 22 / 2013 By Josh Weikel No Comments Posted in Software Tags Update January 22, 2013: This article was originally posted February 7, 2008. Since then, it h…
软件世界的战场 如果你对devops的概念不是很了解的话,没有关系,可以先跳到维基百科阅读一下DevOps条目.有了模模糊糊的概念之后, 我们先抛开所有市面上对于devops的各种夸大和炒作,首先来思考一下为什么近年来会出现这么一个职位. 在软件开发中,一个人可以孤军奋战身兼数职:产品设计,开发,测试,运维等等.无需考虑多人协作带来的沟通成本,很好地控制项目进度. 可惜,这种美好景象仅在小项目或者项目初期会出现,一个优秀的产品往往是由众多子项目组成,是一个庞大的系统工程,需要多人的协作才能使之如…
Top 5 SSH Clients for Windows (Alternatives of PuTTY) MobaXterm又名MobaXVT,是一款增强型终端.X服务器和Unix命令集(GNU/ Cygwin)封装在一个单一的便携式exe文件.MobaXterm可以开启多个终端视窗,以最新的X服务器为基础的X.Org,可以轻松地来试用Unix /…
这篇博文列举了可以替代putty的5个工具,有些实现了putty没有实现的一些功能.如下: PuTTy is the most popular SSH clients for Windows-based systems. It’s very small is size and easy use. Most of people in Linux world prefer to use putty. But they are aware that there are many tools avail…
As the manager of your company, you have to carefully consider, for each project, the time taken to finish it, the deadline, and the profit you can gain, in order to decide if your group should take this project. For example, given 3 projects as the…