Training Very Deep Networks】的更多相关文章

Rupesh Kumar SrivastavaKlaus Greff ̈J urgenSchmidhuberThe Swiss AI Lab IDSIA / USI / SUPSI{rupesh, klaus, juergen} AbstractTheoretical and empirical evidence indicates that the depth of neural networksis crucial for their success. However, t…
目标: 怎么训练很深的神经网络 然而过深的神经网络会造成各种问题,梯度消失之类的,导致很难训练 作者利用了类似LSTM的方法,通过增加gate来控制transform前和transform后的数据的比例,称为Highway network 至于为什么会有效...大概和LSTM会有效的原因一样吧. 方法: 首先是普通的神经网络,每一层H从输入x映射到输出y,H通常包含一个仿射变换和一个非线性变换,如下 在这个基础上,highway network添加了两个gate 1)T:trasform gat…
前言 1.理论知识:UFLDL教程.Deep learning:十六(deep networks) 2.实验环境:win7, matlab2015b,16G内存,2T硬盘 3.实验内容:Exercise: Implement deep networks for digit classification.利用深度网络完成MNIST手写数字数据库中手写数字的识别.即:用6万个已标注数据(即:6万张28*28的图像块(patches)),作为训练数据集,然后把它输入到栈式自编码器中,它的第一层自编码器…
Initialization of deep networks 24 Feb 2015Gustav Larsson As we all know, the solution to a non-convex optimization algorithm (like stochastic gradient descent) depends on the initial values of the parameters. This post is about choosing initializati…
Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning for Fast Adaptation of Deep Networks ICML 2017 Paper: Code for the regression and supervised experiments: Code for the RL experiments:…
Exercise: Implement deep networks for digit classification 习题链接:Exercise: Implement deep networks for digit classification stackedAEPredict.m function [pred] = stackedAEPredict(theta, inputSize, hiddenSize, numClasses, netconfig, data) % stackedAEPre…
In recent years, there’s been a resurgence in the field of Artificial Intelligence. It’s spread beyond the academic world with major players like Google, Microsoft, and Facebook creating their own research teams and making some impressive acquisition…
Overview In the previous sections, you constructed a 3-layer neural network comprising an input, hidden and output layer. While fairly effective for MNIST, this 3-layer model is a fairly shallow network; by this, we mean that the features (hidden lay…
1,概述 模型量化属于模型压缩的范畴,模型压缩的目的旨在降低模型的内存大小,加速模型的推断速度(除了压缩之外,一些模型推断框架也可以通过内存,io,计算等优化来加速推断). 常见的模型压缩算法有:量化,剪枝,蒸馏,低秩近似以及紧凑模型设计(如mobileNet)等操作.但在这里有些方法只能起到缩减模型大小,而起不到加速的作用,如稀疏化剪枝.而在现代的硬件设备上,其实更关注的是模型推断速度.今天我们就讲一种既能压缩模型大小,又能加速模型推断速度:量化. 量化一般可以分为两种模式:训练后的量化(po…
郑重声明:原文参见标题,如有侵权,请联系作者,将会撤销发布! Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2017, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. JMLR: W&CP volume 54. Copyright 2017 by the author(s). Abstract 现代移动设备可以访问大量适合模型学…