原因:django-simple-captcha将客户端编号与验证码默认存储在数据库中 解决办法: python manage.py migrate…
网址指向同一地址后: Forbidden (403) CSRF verification failed. Request aborted. You are seeing this message because this site requires a CSRF cookie when submitting forms. This cookie is required for security reasons, to ensure that your browser is not being h…
安装部署 安装captcha pip3. install django-simple-captcha== settings.py中引入captcha INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfi…
官方文档 https://django-simple-captcha.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html#installation 使用命令安装pip install django-simple-captcha==0.4.6  (==后面是版本号) 安装好之后添加到 settings.py中  把 url(r'^captcha/', include('captcha.urls')),添加到项目的urls.py中,如下图  Run python manage.p…
/* * This is an example build file that demonstrates how to use the build system for * require.js. * * THIS BUILD FILE WILL NOT WORK. It is referencing paths that probably * do not exist on your machine. Just use it as a guide. * * */   ({     //The…
P6 EPPM Installation and Configuration Guide 16 R1         April 2016 Contents About Installing and Configuring P6 EPPM ........................................................ 6 Prerequisites for P6 EPPM Configuration ...............................…
6. IoC容器 6.1 Spring IoC容器和bean介绍 这一章节介绍了Spring框架的控制反转(IoC)实现的原理.IoC也被称作依赖注入(DI).It is a process whereby objects define their dependencies, that is, the other objects they work with, only through constructor arguments, arguments to a factory method, o…
What's In This Chapter? Features of ASP.NET MVC 6 Routing Creating Controllers Creating Views Validating User Inputs Using Filters Working with HTML and Tag Helpers Creating Data-Driven Web Applications Implementing Authentication and Authorization W…
一.创建项目 1.1.创建项目和app python manage.py startproject mysite_login python manage.py startapp login 1.2.设置时区和语言 Django默认使用美国时间和英语,在项目的settings文件中,如下所示: LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us' TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True 我们把它改为亚洲/上海时间和中…
五.完成注册.找回密码和激活验证码功能 5.1.用户注册 register.html拷贝到templates目录 (1)users/views.py class RegisterView(View): '''用户注册''' def get(self,request): return render(request,'register.html') (2)注册页面的url # MxOnline/urls.py from users.views import RegisterView path('re…