Before we work on CRUD operation (Create, Read, Update, Delete), it's important to understand the entity lifecycle and how it is being managed by the EntityFramework. During an entity's lifetime, each entity has an entity state based on the operation…
EF自己包括看视频,看MSDN零零散散的学了一点皮毛,这次打算系统学习一下EF.我将会使用VS2012来学习这个EF基础系列. 现在看看EF的历史吧: EF版本 相关版本特性介绍 EF3.5 基于数据库优先的模式的基础ORM框架(Basic O/RM support with Database First approach.) EF4.0 支持简单传统CLR对象(Plain old CLR Object),懒加载, 提高了可测试性,可以自定义代码的生成,支持ModeFirst: (POCO Su…
We created EDM for existing database in the previous section. As you have learned in the previous section that EDM contains entities for each table in the database. There are two types of Entities in Entity Framework 5.0/6.0: POCO entity and dynamic…