废话开篇 由于项目需要,需要对Java Collections进行系统地了解,所以在此记录下,方便自己,服务他人. Java Collections 简介 Java Collections 框架主要包含interfaces, implementations, aggregate operations and algorithms四个部分,后续的文章也是从这四部分来分别介绍. Java Collections定义 中文的百度上有,自己麻烦参考下吧,这里贴出官方定义: A collections f…
废话开篇 自己学完Java Collections框架之后,其中的一个较大的收获就是接口对于层次的重要性.Java Collections的最终实现至少有几十个,其中很多都有非常相似的功能(method), 如果各个实现中部分代码都是相同的,就没有做到代码reused.想想吧,开发JDK的那些大牛们,怎么可能会犯这么低级的错误呢,说远了,回到正题上:接口. Java Collections 接口整体框架图 下面这张图是Java Collections的核心集合接口图(来自于官方文档),同时也是J…
转载自:http://ganeshtiwaridotcomdotnp.blogspot.com/2011/12/sound-audio-file-player-in-java-working.html Sound (audio file) player in java - working source code example import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioForm…
link from:http://www.crowdstrike.com/blog/native-java-bytecode-debugging-without-source-code/index.html Native Java Bytecode Debugging without Source Code Feb 12, 2014 | Jason Geffner, Sr. Security Researcher At CrowdStrike, we've seen a moderate inc…
最近开始痛定思痛,研究cakephp的源码. 成长的路上从来没有捷径,没有小聪明. 只有傻傻的努力,你才能听到到成长的声音. 下面这篇文章虽然过时了,但是还是可以看到作者的精神,仿佛与作者隔着时空的交流,这就是阅读的意义所在吧 :) ============================================================= 原文: http://debuggable.com/posts/learning-from-the-cakephp-source-code-p…
Artistic Style - Index http://astyle.sourceforge.net/ Artistic Style 3.1 A Free, Fast, and Small Automatic Formatterfor C, C++, C++/CLI, Objective‑C, C#, and Java Source Code Project Page: http://astyle.sourceforge.net/ SourceForge: http://sourceforg…
转载自:http://ganeshtiwaridotcomdotnp.blogspot.com/2011/12/java-sound-generate-play-sine-wave.html Working source code example on how to generate and play sine wave in Java :View my previous post  for playing any PCM amplitude array. Generate Sine wave…
Source Code Lookup in Eclipse https://www.intertech.com/Blog/source-code-lookup-in-eclipse/…
Look under the start memcahced threading process memcached multi-threaded mainly by instantiating multiple libevent, are a main thread and n workers thread is the main thread or workers thread all through the the libevent management network event, in…
Artistic Style 1.15.3 A Free , Fast and Small Automatic Formatterfor C , C++ , C# , Java Source Codes by Tal Davidson, Israel (E-mail: davidsont@bigfoot.com) Main home Page http://sourceforge.net Project Page http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/astyl…
Hey, guys! The next generation of Vue has released already. There are not only the brand new composition API, much more powerful and flexible reactivity system, first-class render function, but also the natural performance with building off the moder…
The default class viewer doesn't decompile the class file so you cannot open and check the source code, you may down third part App to do that while it is not convenient for debugging. The JAD plugin unable you open it directly in Eclipse. you just f…
http://rubenlaguna.com/wp/2008/02/22/attach-source-code-to-a-netbeans-library-wrapper-module/ Attach Source Code to a Netbeans Library Wrapper Module Feb 22nd, 2008 I’m new in NetBeans and today I’ve been struggling a couple of hours with the simple…
You wanna look at a JVM class while you are coding and you cannot. Here is the solution. First of all, download your related JDK source code files unless you already have it. In general, source code is included in the JavaSE bundle and located under…
第 1 部分 http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-5things2.html 对于很多 Java 开发人员来说,Java Collections API 是标准 Java 数组及其所有缺点的一个非常需要的替代品.将 Collections 主要与 ArrayList联系到一起本身没有错,但是对于那些有探索精神的人来说,这只是 Collections 的冰山一角. 关于本系列 您觉得自己懂 Java 编程?事实上,大多数程序员对于 Java 平台…
. . . . . 目录 (一)一起学 Java Collections Framework 源码之 概述(未完成) (二)一起学 Java Collections Framework 源码之 AbstractCollection java.util.AbstractCollection 类提供了 java.util.Collection 接口的骨干实现,也是 Java 集合框架(JCF, Java Collections Framework)中列表(List/Set)族相对较为顶层的实现类,这…
DataSource是作为DriverManager的替代品而推出的,DataSource 对象是获取连接的首选方法. 起源 为何放弃DriverManager DriverManager负责管理驱动程序,并且使用已注册的驱动程序进行连接. //1.注册驱动 Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); //数据库连接所需参数 String user = "root"; String password = "123456&…
1.berfore we talking abnout the Source Code review,here's what we want to know about the most popular programming langurages . Web application development :Java C#  NET and PHP Drivers and handware C C#   and assembly language Reverse engineering : A…
前言 HashMap source code view 类注释 Hash table based implementation of the Map interface. This implementation provides all of the optional map operations, and permits null values and the null key. (The HashMap class is roughly equivalent to Hashtable, ex…
In this tutorial, we show you a Spring 4 MVC example, using Maven build tool. Technologies used : Spring 4.3.0.RELEASE Maven 3 JDK 1.8 Eclipse Mars.2 Release (4.5.2) Boostrap 3 1. Project Structure Download the project source code and review the proj…
不多说,直接上干货! Streamsets的官网 https://streamsets.com/ 得到 https://streamsets.com/opensource/ StreamSets支持多种安装方式的第一种安装方式: Core Tarball   核心安装包(Core Tarball) StreamSets支持多种安装方式的第二种安装方式: Cloudera Parcel 这是Cloudera安装包(Cloudera Parcel) StreamSets支持多种安装方式的第三种安装方…
英语在软件行业的重要作用不言自明,尤其是做国际项目和写国际软件,好的英语表达是项目顺利进行的必要条件.纵观眼下的IT行业.可以流利的与国外客户英文口语交流的程序猿占比并非非常高.要想去国际接轨,语言这一关一定要过. 本人做刚入行的时候非常想找一本专门写给程序猿的英文教材,但并没有找到特别合适的.通过这几年的欧美项目经理,我发现与国外同行交流重在表明交流的意图而轻语法规定.一件事情的表述,仅仅要可以用几个Key Words来表述清楚.两方可以理解就可以.并没有使用我们上学期间艰深晦涩的语法知识.…
LIRE教程之源码分析 |LIRE Tutorial of Analysis of the Source Code 最近在做地理图像识别和检索的研究,发现了一个很好用的框架LIRE,遂研究了一通.网上的教程不算很多,而且LIRE更新比较快,一些方法已经更新或废弃,故想写几篇文章重新总结一下框架内的多种方法,方便他人使用. LIRE(Lucene Image Retrieval)是一个开源的轻量级图像识别Java框架,提供了多种简单易用的图片检索方法.事实上,LIRE是基于Lucene这个全文检索…
一.JDK source code 命令行中: sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-source 下好的jdk源码在 Linux 在目录 usr/lib/jvm/openjdk-7/src.zip Windows在目录  C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\src.zip In Eclipse, select Windows -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs , expands rt…
在我的博客A debugging issue caused by source code mapping里我介绍了在我做SAP C4C开发时遇到的一个曾经困扰我很久的问题,最后结论是这个问题由于JavaScript的source code map机制在Chrome开发者工具里起作用,其实是working as designed的一种行为.但是当时因为时间限制,没有去深入学习JavaScript source code map的更多细节. 在这篇文章里我用一个简单的UI5应用来研究该机制.这个应用…
Some Troubles or problems you may encounter while you setup the Android source code build environment on Ubutun 12.4.4 1. Install Sun-jdk1.6 prompt: $ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading s…
Many text editors have advanced find (and replace) features. When I’m programming, I like to use an editor with regular expression search and replace. This feature is allows one to find text based on complex patterns rather than based just on literal…
A Darkroom by doublespeakgames <!DOCTYPE html> <html itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/CreativeWork"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"/> <!-- A Dark Room (v1.4) ================== A minimalist text adventure…
说实话,android source code从2.3到4.4变化是蛮多的,尤其是media部分,虽然总的框架是没有多大变化,但是找起代码来看还是挺麻烦的.在android里面最受伤的是使用了java,jni,jvm,Nativity c++等等,各种设计模式横行,当然在学习源码过程中也意识了编程语言基础,数据结构,设计模式的重要性. android source code 经典的地方: 1. 大量使用了各种设计模式如单例模式,装饰模式,工程工厂模式,适配器模式等等. 2. 使用了binder驱…
This post is first posted on my WeChat public account: GeekArtT Reading source code is always one big part for software engineers. Just like the writers to learn writing by reading a heck of classic books, like the painters to "read" a bunches o…