1.procedural assignments are used for updating reg ,integer , time ,real,realtime and memory data types. 2.difference between procedural assignments and continuous assignments    (1)continuous assignments drive nets and are evaluated and updated when…
assign / deassgin force /release the procedural continuous assignments(using keywords assign and force) are procedural statements that allow expressions to be driven continously onto variables or nets. 1. net_lvalue = expression  in force statement n…
1.delay control : an expression specifies the time duration between initially encountering the statement and when the statement actually executes. the delay expressiong can be dynamic function of the state of the circuit,but it can be a simple number…
block statements : 1. sequential block  : begin-end block 2.parallel block       :  fork - join block block name : 如果block有自己的label, 1.可以disable 此block. 2.可以穿层次应用 block中的变量. 变量都是静态存储. PS:  when an assignement is to be made after two separate events h…
1.forever 2.repeat 3.while 4.for The for statement accomplishes the same results as the following pseudo-code that is based on the while loop:   begin       initial_assignment;       while(condition)begin           statement;           step_assignmen…
                                                                                             BLOCKING ASSIGNMENTS 1.A blocking procedural assignment statement shall be exectuted before the execution of the statements that follow it in a sequential bl…
1.verilog behavioral models contain procedural statements that control the simulation and manipulate variables of the data types.These statements are concurrent to model the inherent concurrence of hardware. 2.all of the flows defined by the initial…
conditional statement case statement 1. conditional statement     if(expression)         statement_or_null[else statement_or_null]     | if_else_if_statement If the expression evaluates to true(that is ,has a nonzero know value),the first statement s…
1.Sequential statement groups the begin-end keywords: .group several statements togethor .cause the statements to be evaluated sequentially(one at a time) *any timing within the sequential groups is relative to the previous statement *delays in the s…
1. What is the race condition in verilog? Ans :The situation when two expressions are allowed to execute at same instance of time without mentioning the order of execution. 2. List the levels of abstraction in verilog? Ans : 1. Behavioral level 2. Re…
IEEE Std 1364™-2001, IEEE Standard Verilog® Hardware Description Language The assign procedural continuous assignment statement shall override all procedural assignments to a variable. The deassign procedural statement shall end a procedural continuo…
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/mH84421WDGRb7cuU5FEFIQ Verilog的赋值很是复杂,包括: 1. Continuous assignment; 2. Procedural assignment: a. Blocking Assignment; b. Non-bocking Assignment(NBA); 但其实没有必要,理解起来也可以很简单: 比如Continuous assignment是针对wire而言,wire需要的是driven,而不是as…
比较有用的:1,generate语句,但需注意,generate-for中变量范围是已知的确定值, generate-case,generate-if语句中变量都必须是固定的, generate必须跟endgenerate 中间begin加块名. 2,算术左移右移 3,有符号数,其实就是两个变量位宽不一致做运算的时候,低位宽的补齐位宽的方式与以前发生了变化,原来是用零补齐,现在看最高位如果是1就以1补齐,如果是0,就以0补齐. 4,多维向量,并且可以取向量的任意一位. 1.Verilog-200…
l generate语句 Verilog-2001添加了generate循环,允许产生module和primitive的多个实例化,同时也可以产生多个variable,net,task,function,continous assignment,initial和always.在generate语句中可以引入if-else和case语句,根据条件不同产生不同的实例化. 为此,Verilog-2001还增加了以下关键字:generate,endgenerate,genvar,localparam.g…
verilog语言中有两种延迟方式:inter-delay和intra-delay,关于inter和intra.这两个英文前缀都有“内部,之间”的意思,但又有所不同.inter表达不同事物之间,intra表达同类事物之间,两者具体的含义请细细体会:).以阻塞式赋值为例(block assignment): 1.inter-delay的表达式为:  #delay-value a=b+c:     先说说阻塞式赋值语句执行的一般过程:     block assignment方程的RHS先估值(ev…
Frm: IEEE Std 1364™-2001, IEEE Standard Verilog® Hardware Description Language Another form of procedural continuous assignment is provided by the force and release procedural statements. These statements have a similar effect to the assign-deassign…
作为引子,首先来看一段描述,该段介绍了SystemVerilog对比Verilog在RTL设计和建模时的新特性之一(logic数据类型),然后下文我再展开对比介绍Verilog和SystemVerilog中的基本数据类型.(该段内容引用自 @Dr. Pong P. Chu 的书籍列表之<FPGA Prototyping by SystemVerilog Examples: Xilinx MicroBlaze MCS SoC>的书籍说明部分) <SystemVerilog vs Veril…
"Delta cycles are an HDL concept used to order events that occur in zero physical time."sigasi.com Taking the definition for Sigasi, what VHDL calls delay cycles, Verilog calls a scheduler. How VHDL and Verilog determine the order of zero time e…
一:generate Verilog-2001添加了generate循环,允许产生module和primitive的多个实例化,同时也可以产生多个variable,net,task,function,continous assignment,initial和always.在generate语句中可以引入if-else和case语句,根据条件不同产生不同的实例化. 用法: 1. generate语法有generate for, genreate if和generate case三种 2. gene…
l generate语句 Verilog-2001添加了generate循环,允许产生 module和primitive的多个实例化,同时也可以产生多个variable,net,task,function,continous assignment,initial和always.在generate语句中可以引入if-else和case语句,根据条件不同产生不同的实例化. 为此,Verilog-2001还增加了以下关键字:generate,endgenerate,genvar,localparam.…
  ,不过翻了一些Verilog书籍,对Verilog-2001的新增特性很少有提及,即使提到了,也只是寥寥数语带过,其实在Verilog-2001中做了很多有用的改进,给编程带来很大的帮助,有必要详细了解. 在Quartus II软件中现在支持的Verilog标准有三类,即Verilog-1995,Verilog-2001,以及SystemVerilog-2005.具体用那种标准进行编译综合,需要在设置对话框中进行设置,如下图所示: 下面对Verilog-2001新增特性进行详细说明,部分说明…
Natural Language Processing Tasks and Selected References I've been working on several natural language processing tasks for a long time. One day, I felt like drawing a map of the NLP field where I earn a living. I'm sure I'm not the only person who…
RESEARCH TRACK PAPERS - ORAL Title & Authors NetCycle: Collective Evolution Inference in Heterogeneous Information NetworksAuthor(s): Yizhou Zhang*, Fudan University; Xiong Yun, ; Xiangnan Kong, Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Yangyong Zhu, Fudan Un…
Python 实例介绍固定费用问题的建模与求解. 学习 PuLP工具包中处理复杂问题的快捷使用方式. 『Python小白的数学建模课 @ Youcans』带你从数模小白成为国赛达人. 前文讲到几种典型的 0-1 规划问题,给出了 PuLP 求解的案例.由于 0-1 规划问题种类很多,又是数模竞赛热点,有必要再结合几个实例进行介绍. 1. 固定费用问题案例解析 1.1 固定费用问题(Fixed cost problem) 固定费用问题,是指求解生产成本最小问题时,总成本包括固定成本和变动成本,而选…
选址问题是要选择设施位置使目标达到最优,是数模竞赛中的常见题型. 小白不一定要掌握所有的选址问题,但要能判断是哪一类问题,用哪个模型. 进一步学习 PuLP工具包中处理复杂问题的字典格式快捷建模方法. 欢迎关注『Python小白的数学建模课 @ Youcans』系列,每周持续更新 1. 选址问题 选址问题是指在某个区域内选择设施的位置使所需的目标达到最优.选址问题也是一种互斥的计划问题. 例如投资场所的选址:企业要在 m 个候选位置选择若干个建厂,已知建厂费用.运输费及 n 个地区的产品需求量,…
Verilog 区分大小写, 且所有关键字都是小写 1  register = storage keyword reg; default x; variable that can hold value 2  net = connection keyword wire; default z; be driven continuously 例 1)  D 触发器 (同步复位) module dff(clk, rst, d, q); //dff with syn reset input clk, rs…
Verilog Interiew Quetions Collection :  What is the difference between $display and $monitor and $write and $strobe? What is the difference between code-compiled simulator and normal simulator? What is the difference between wire and reg? What is the…
https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/5NWvdK3T2X4dtyRqtNrBbg   13hope: 个人理解,Verilog本身只是“建模”语言.具体到阻塞/非阻塞,只规定了两种赋值语句的行为.所以无论怎么写,仿真器和综合器都不会报错.但是存在两个问题,所描述的行为是否有物理电路与之对应:电路行为在仿真阶段和综合后是否一致. 像是电平敏感always快内使用多个多个非阻塞赋值就没有意义,仿真结果不可信   wjcdx: > 个人理解,Verilog本身只是“建模”语言.  …
Verilog模块 Verilog中代码描述的电路叫模块,模块具有以下的结构: module module_name[ (portname {, portname})]; //端口列表 [parameter declarations] //参数定义 [input declarations] // I/O定义 [output declarations] [inout declarations] [wire or tri declarations] //内部信号定义 [reg or integer…
https://www.fdic.gov/regulations/examinations/credit_card/ch8.html Types of Scoring FICO Scores    VantageScore    Other Scores              Application Scoring              Attrition Scoring              Bankruptcy Scoring              Behavior Scor…