ExtJS笔记 Field】的更多相关文章

Fields are used to define what a Model is. They aren't instantiated directly - instead, when we create a class that extendsExt.data.Model, it will automatically create a Field instance for each field configured in a Model. For example, we might set u…
  1.    ExtJs 结构树.. 2 2.    对ExtJs的态度.. 3 3.    Ext.form概述.. 4 4.    Ext.TabPanel篇.. 5 5.    Function扩展篇.. 7 6.    Ext.data.Store篇.. 10 7.    Ext.data.JsonReader篇一.. 12 8.    Ext.data.JsonReader篇二.. 15 9.    Ext.data.HttpProxy篇.. 19 10.     Ext.data.…
The Tree Panel Component is one of the most versatile Components in Ext JS and is an excellent tool for displaying heirarchical data in an application. Tree Panel extends from the same class as Grid Panel, so all of the benefits of Grid Panels - feat…
作文本框功能的. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>ExtJs</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=&qu…
This is a static class containing the system-supplied data types which may be given to a Field. Types是一个静态类,包含将用在Field的,系统提供的数据类型. The properties in this class are used as type indicators in the Field class, so to test whether a Field is of a certain…
A Model represents some object that your application manages. For example, one might define a Model for Users, Products, Cars, or any other real-world object that we want to model in the system. Models are registered via the model manager, and are us…
参考:http://blog.csdn.net/zhangxin09/article/details/6885175 The Grid Panel is one of the centerpieces of Ext JS. It's an incredibly versatile component that provides an easy way to display, sort, group, and edit data. Grid 面板为 Ext JS 的大头核心之一.它是一个通用性很强…
A Form Panel is nothing more than a basic Panel with form handling abilities added. Form Panels can be used throughout an Ext application wherever there is a need to collect data from the user. In addition, Form Panels can use any Container Layout, p…
Using Events The Components and Classes of Ext JS fire a broad range of events at various points in their lifecycle. Events allow your code to react to changes around your application. They are a key concept within Ext JS. 在ExtJS组件和类的生命周期中,会触发许多类型的事件…
参考 :http://blog.csdn.net/zhangxin09/article/details/6914882 An Ext JS application's UI is made up of one or many widgets called Components. All Components are subclasses of theExt.Component class which allows them to participate in automated lifecycl…