I.Yet another A + B You are given three numbers. Is there a way to replace variables A, B and C with these numbers so the equality A + B = C is correct? Input There are three numbers X1, X2 and X3 (1 ≤ Xi ≤ 10100), each on a separate line of input. O…
G.LCS Revised The longest common subsequence is a well known DP problem: given two strings A and B, one has to compute the maximum length of a subsequence that's common to both A and B. In this particular problem we work with strings A and B formed…
E - Restore Given a matrix A of size N * N. The rows are numbered from 0 to N-1, the columns are numbered from 0 to N-1. In this matrix, the sums of each row, the sums of each column, and the sum of the two diagonals are equal. For example, a matrix…
日常训练题解 D.Triangle Formation You are given N wooden sticks. Your task is to determine how many triangles can be made from the given sticks without breaking them. Each stick can be used in at most one triangle. Input The first line of each test case co…
[重走Android之路][基础篇(三)][Java面向对象基础]面向对象思想 1 面向对象的WWH 1.1 What--什么是面向对象 首先,要理解“对象”.在Thinking in Java中提到“Everything is an object”,即万物皆对象.这里的“对象”指的是任何实体或者任何可以当作实体看待的“虚幻的事物”.比如现实中的人(男人.女人.老人.小孩而...).动物(大象.狮子.猴子...).桌子.凳子.汽车.ATM机等等,也可以使看不见摸不着的空气…
原文:[ASP.NET Web API教程]5.3 发送HTML表单数据:文件上传与多部分MIME 注:本文是[ASP.NET Web API系列教程]的一部分,如果您是第一次看本系列教程,请先看前面的内容. 5.3 Sending HTML Form Data 5.3 发送HTML表单数据(2) 本文引自:http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/working-with-http/sending-html-form-data,-part-2 By Mike Wa…
原文:[ASP.NET Web API教程]3.3 通过WPF应用程序调用Web API(C#) 注:本文是[ASP.NET Web API系列教程]的一部分,如果您是第一次看本博客文章,请先看前面的内容. 3.3 Calling a Web API From a WPF Application (C#) 3.3 通过WPF应用程序调用Web API(C#) 本文引自:http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/web-api-clients/calling-a-we…