所有Thymeleaf属性定义一个数字优先,建立他们的顺序执行的标签.这个顺序是: Order Feature Attributes 1 Fragment inclusion th:includeth:replace 2 Fragment iteration th:each 3 Conditional evaluation th:ifth:unlessth:switchth:case 4 Local variable definition th:objectth:with 5 General a…
九.局部变量(local variable) 之前在th:each中遇到过局部变量 <tr th:each="prod : ${prods}"> ... </tr> 其中prod就是局部变量. 除此之外,thymeleaf提供了另外一种声明方式,通过使用th:each,语法如下: <div th:with="firstPer=${persons[0]}"> <p>The name of the first person…
如何在Sql2008中获取表字段属性和注释? select b.[value] from sys.columns a left join sys.extended_properties b on a.object_id=b.major_id and a.column_id=b.minor_id inner join sysobjects c on a.column_id=c.id and a.[name]='列名' and c.[name]='表名' SELECT 表名=case when a.…