环境 android studio 3.0 错误 Error:All flavors must now belong to a named flavor dimension. 解决 在build.gradle中 android.defaultConfig 添加flavorDimensions "versionCode" 例如·: android { compileSdkVersion rootProject.ext.compileSdkVersion buildToolsVersion…
FAQ: All flavors must now belong to a named flavor dimension. Learn more at https://d.android.com/r/tools/flavorDimensions-missing-error-message.html 解决: 看官方文档: Plugin 3.0.0 includes a new dependency mechanism that automatically matches variants when…
解决 Error: could not open `C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\i386\jvm.cfg' 重装JDK后,因为没有装在以前的目录,运行java命令后报错,内容如标题 classpath和path都没有错 一通搜索后才知道需要删除c:/windows/system32/java.exec:/windows/system32/javaw.exec:/windows/system32/javaws.exe这几个文件(有的人机器中可能javaws.exe…
Error[e16]: Segment NEAR_Z (size: 0x16d align: 0) is too long for segment definition. At least 0x83 more bytes needed. The problem occurred while processing the segment placement command "-Z(DATA)NEAR_I,NEAR_Z,NEAR_N=_..X_SRAM_BASE-_..X_SRAM_END&qu…