[LeetCode] Squirrel Simulation 松鼠模拟】的更多相关文章

There's a tree, a squirrel, and several nuts. Positions are represented by the cells in a 2D grid. Your goal is to find the minimal distance for the squirrel to collect all the nuts and put them under the tree one by one. The squirrel can only take a…
题目链接:1223. 掷骰子模拟 有一个骰子模拟器会每次投掷的时候生成一个 1 到 6 的随机数. 不过我们在使用它时有个约束,就是使得投掷骰子时,连续 掷出数字 i 的次数不能超过 rollMax[i](i 从 1 开始编号). 现在,给你一个整数数组 rollMax 和一个整数 n,请你来计算掷 n 次骰子可得到的不同点数序列的数量. 假如两个序列中至少存在一个元素不同,就认为这两个序列是不同的.由于答案可能很大,所以请返回 模 \(10^9 + 7\) 之后的结果. 示例1: 输入:n =…
这是悦乐书的第335次更新,第360篇原创 01 看题和准备 今天介绍的是LeetCode算法题中Easy级别的第205题(顺位题号是874).网格上的机器人从点(0,0)开始并朝北.机器人可以接收三种可能类型的命令之一: -2:向左转90度. -1:向右转90度. 1 <= x <= 9:向前移动x个单位. 一些网格方块是障碍物.第i个障碍位于网格点(obstacles[i][0],obstacles[i][1]).如果机器人遇到障碍点,机器人将停留在障碍点前一个网格方格上(但仍然会继续执行…
Problem UVA804-Petri Net Simulation Accept:251  Submit:1975 Time Limit: 3000 mSec Problem Description  Input Each Petri net description will first contain an integer NP (0 < NP < 100) followed by NP integers specifying the number of tokens initially…
https://leetcode.com/problems/zigzag-conversion/ The string "PAYPALISHIRING" is written in a zigzag pattern on a given number of rows like this: (you may want to display this pattern in a fixed font for better legibility) P A H N A P L S I I G Y…
Problem statement: There's a tree, a squirrel, and several nuts. Positions are represented by the cells in a 2D grid. Your goal is to find the minimal distance for the squirrel to collect all the nuts and put them under the tree one by one. The squir…
总的来说,这套题的难度比较接近近些年来Day1的真实难度,认为非常值得一打 GotoAndPlay 题目大意 询问这个图上是否存在一种跳法,能跳到这个图上的每一个点 题目解析 犯了个低级错误,双向边忘记*2,最后两个点RE了 因为题目告知是"跳两次",所以很容易想到将这个图分成"奇数点"和"偶数点",那么所有"奇点"和所有"偶点"是能够独立相互到达的. 换句话来说,只要有一个点既属于"偶点&quo…
Description Here's a cube whose size of its 3 dimensions are all infinite. Meanwhile, there're 6 programs operating this cube: FILL(X,Y,Z): Fill some part of the cube with different values. memset(cube, 0, sizeof(cube)); puts("START"); cnt = 0;…
48. 旋转图像 模拟题,其实挺不喜欢做模拟题的... 其实这题一层一层的转就好了,外层转完里层再转,其实就是可重叠的子问题了. 转的时候呢,一个数一个数的转,一个数带动四个数.如图所示,2这个数应该怎么转: 难点就是如何用坐标表示出来相对位置,写坐标的时候思路一定要清晰啊! class Solution { public void rotate(int[][] matrix) { int n = matrix.length; for (int k = 0; k < n / 2; k++) {…
874. 行走机器人模拟 模拟 描述方向时有个技巧:int[][] dx = {{0, 1}, {1, 0}, {0, -1}, {-1, 0}}; 分别存储机器人向上.右.下.左走时,坐标应该如何变换 class Solution { public int robotSim(int[] commands, int[][] obstacles) { int max = 0; int[][] dx = {{0, 1}, {1, 0}, {0, -1}, {-1, 0}}; int k = 0; M…