Reproduce: Ctrl + H, Select "File Search", will encounter eclipse kinds of bug/error alert: problems encountered during text search Reason: It's because Ctrl + H by default will search disk files, and when the disk files get un-sync with eclipse…
Acknowledgments I would like to thank Jacob Kjome for reviewing early drafts of this document. His comments helped to clarify several important points. Jake also keeps reminding us on the log4j-dev mailing list that the child-parent delegation model…
In this blog we will go over the Full Text Search capabilities available in the latest major release of Neo4j. Contrary to our usual blogs, the content will rather focus on the underlying search engine used by Neo4j, that is Apache Lucene in version…
Error The project was not built due to “Problems encountered while deleting resources.”. Fix the problem, then try refreshing this project and rebuilding it since it may be inconsistent. learndiary 删除classes,刷新工程,重新编译.…
自己的项目中用到了mongodb,需要做一个搜索功能,刚开始不知道怎么搞,查了mongodb有个全文检索功能. 全文检索分为两步 第一,建立索引 db.stores.createIndex( { name: "text", description: "text" } ) name,description是对应的关键字段名,是以这几个字段建立索引. 第二步,查询结果集 db.stores.find( { $text: { $search:  searchKeys }…
definition A full-text search is a comprehensive search method that compares every word of the search request against every word within the document or database. Web search engines and docu…
主要有两种方法 1.InstaSearch 同样可以做到workspace下的全文搜索 可以使用eclipse marktplace中搜索instaSearch,与普通软件安装类似 安装成功后的界面如下: 2.The eclipse quick search plugin is part of Spring Tools Suite (STS),同样可以在eclipse markplace中搜索Spring Tools Suite,可以看到有一个插件 叫做 eclipse quick search…
RCP:如何移除Search对话框中不需要的项 2013-08-18 22:31 by Binhua Liu, 231 阅读, 0 评论, 收藏, 编辑 前言 很久没写文章了,准备写一系列关于Eclipse RCP /Plugin的文章. 这些文章都是trouble shooting性质的,不准备写的很细,当你碰到这样的问题,google到时,能帮你把问题解决了,这就ok了.另外有些问题我也是不求甚解的,哈. 正文 Search Dialog中可能出现一些你不需要的项,比如“Java Searc…
分享一下,整体理清的思路,关于Eclipse中代码的 自动完成,可配置自定义Library文件地址 其实这个思路的通用的,不管任何Eclipse支持的编辑语言,都可以适用.下面已Javascript来举例: 整体的行为设置 路径:Eclipse >Preference(主界面) >Javascript >Editor >Content Assist 这里面可以设置具体的 代码自动完成行为方式,分3类:Insertion,Sorting and Filtering 和 Auto-ac…