资源:3台centos6.8虚拟机 4cpu 8G内存 ip 1台centos6.8虚拟机2cpu 8G ip 1.System Requirements及安装环境配置并关闭防火墙与SELinux For full support of process isolation under Linux a recent kernel >=3.10 is required. 由于我使用的centos6.8,所以要升级内核(http://www.c…
一.CICD和DevOps 前面已经了解了CI/CD,其实CI/CD已经存在多年了,只是最近软件工程方面又提出了敏捷开发.DevOps,又把CI/CD炒火了. 那么什么是DevOps?DevOps和CI/CD有又什么关系呢? 以下内容摘自https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DevOps DevOps (a clipped compound of "development" and "operations") is a software dev…
随着DevOps理念的普及与扩散,可能会被一大堆名字概念搞的莫名其妙,理清它们之间的关系可以帮助团队知道DevOps如何落地,改善工作流程. Here's a quick and easy way to differentiate agile, DevOps, and CI/CD: Agile focuses on processes highlighting change while accelerating delivery. CI/CD focuses on software-define…