could not perform addBatch】的更多相关文章

package lavasoft.jdbctest; import lavasoft.common.DBToolkit; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; /** * JDBC的批量操作三种方式 */ public class BatchExeSQLTest {         public…
//addBatch批量插入数据库 public static void insertCommentToMySql(Set<String> commentList) { Iterator<String> it = commentList.iterator(); Statement st=null; try { st = DBConnection.getConnection(dbName,dbUser,dbPwd).createStatement(); } catch (SQLExc…
Something you need to perform after RedHat 6.x installed YUM Repos % yum update % rpm -Uvh % rpm -Uvh Developm…
public class ArgsTest { private List <Object> args; private ArgsTestCheckPoint checkPoint; public enum ArgsTestCheckPoint { IS_NAME_CORRECT,IS_PASSWORD_CORRECT } ArgsTest(ArgsTestCheckPoint checkPoint, Object ...objs) { this.checkPoint=checkPoint; f…
在批量更新SQL操作的时候建议使用addBatch,这样效率是高些,数据量越大越能体现出来 Statement接口里有两个方法:void     addBatch(String sql)将给定的 SQL 命令添加到此 Statement 对象的当前命令列表中.通过调用方法 executeBatch 可以批量执行此列表中的命令.int[]     executeBatch()          将一批命令提交给数据库来执行,如果全部命令执行成功,则返回更新计数组成的数组.返回:包含批中每个命令的一…
Option 1: You can afford deleting the row In other words, you don't have foreign key, or if you have them, your SQLite engine is configured so that there no are integrity exceptions. The way to go is INSERT OR REPLACE. If you are trying to insert/upd…
HowTo  Perform the spatial selection 'Share a line segment with' using ArcObjects Article ID: 26528 Software:  ArcGIS - ArcEditor 8.1, 8.1.2, 8.2, 8.3 ArcGIS - ArcInfo 8.1, 8.1.2, 8.2, 8.3 ArcGIS - ArcView 8.1, 8.1.2, 8.2, 8.3 Platforms:  Windows NT…
PARAMETERS p_sub(40) TYPE c. DATA fssub(40) TYPE c. fssub = p_sub. TRY.     PERFORM (fssub) IN PROGRAM ydemo_rick_a. " IF FOUND.   CATCH cx_sy_dyn_call_illegal_form.     WRITE: 'The routine', p_sub COLOR 3, 'is not exist!'. ENDTRY. *&------------…
Statement和PreparedStatement的区别就不多废话了,直接说PreparedStatement最重要的addbatch()结构的使用. 1.建立链接(打电话拨号) Connection   connection = getConnection(); 2.不自动 Commit (瓜子不是一个一个吃,全部剥开放桌子上,然后一口舔了) connection.setAutoCommit(false); 3.预编译SQL语句,只编译一回哦,效率高啊.(发明一个剥瓜子的方法,以后不要总想…
You can do Select, Cut, Copy and Paste operations on text items in Oracle Forms using Select_All, Cut_Region, Copy_Region and Paste_Region commands through right click popup menu.   In this example I created a popup menu which is associated with the…
做项目到最后整合的时候测试的时候发现  切换tab更换fragment的时候抛出了这个异常,根据异常信息Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState, 定位到: FragmentManager manager = getSupportFragmentManager(); FragmentTransaction transaction = manager .beginTransaction(); transaction .replace…
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resume activity {com.tongyan.nanjing.subway/com.tongyan.structure.ui.act.InsideTaskAct}: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState at…
今天使用Fragment的时候,出现了这个错误 IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState: E/AndroidRuntime(12747): Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState at…
1.前一天安装号db2后,做了如下处理: ************************************************************ 修改 /etc/sudoers 文件,找到下面一行,把前面的注释(#)去掉 ## Allows people in group wheel to run all commands%wheel    ALL=(ALL)    ALL 然后修改用户,使其属于root组(wheel),命令如下: #usermod -g root db2in…
今天使用Fragment的时候,出现了这个错误 IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState: E/AndroidRuntime(12747): Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState at…
这个问题在stackoverflow上面有过讨论: Can not perform pod install under el capitan (15A279b) 被采纳的答案为:sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods…
今天做项目中的支付宝功能,是在fragment中做的,在支付成功后,想切换到支付成功的页面. 结果就报错了IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState: 在网上找了下解决方案,将commit改成了 commitAllowingStateLoss()就没问题了,贴出原帖地址,参考. 今天使用Fragment的时…
一.什么是消息? 消息是windows对应用程序发送的有关‘发生了某种事件’的通知.例如点击鼠标,调整窗口大小或键盘上按下一个键,都会引起windows发送一条消息到应用程序中去,去通知应用程序发生了什么. Windows以record的形式发送消息给应用程序.记录中包括事件的类型以及附加的特定信息.Windows发送给应用程序的记录类型是TMsg,定义在windows.pas单元中,定义如下 { Message structure } PMsg = ^TMsg; tagMSG = packed…
代码如下: function TControl.Perform(Msg: Cardinal; WParam, LParam: Longint): Longint; var Message: TMessage; begin Message.Msg := Msg; Message.WParam := WParam; Message.LParam := LParam; Message.Result := ; if Self <> nil then WindowProc(Message); Resul…
问题:xfce4下,USB 硬盘能自动挂载并显示,但是普通用户操作时,提示:Not authorized to perform operation. 时间:20160928 os:gentoo + xfce4 + openrc 解决方法: cd /usr/share/polkit-1/actions nano *.udisks*.* 把相应权限都改成Yes即可. <action id="org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount">  …
系统启动,一段时间不操作,然后在来操作时,报错如下: Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Couldn't perform the operation getAutoCommit: You can't perform any operations on this connection. It has been automatically closed by Proxool for some reason (see logs). at org.logicalcobw…
// 获取要设置的Arp基准的List后,插入Arp基准表中 public boolean insertArpStandardList(List<ArpTable> list) { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; //MySql的JDBC连接的url中要加rewriteBatchedStatements参数,并保证5.1.13以上版本的驱动,才能实现高性能的批量插入. //优化插…
SQLite异常 qAdmin: Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset. 当使用 SQLite administrator,打开SQLite 数据库,抛出如下异常, SQLite异常 qAdmin: Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset. 当出现这种情况时,请查看你的.db数据库 的路径是否有中文字符,如果有,把db数据库移到其他英文路径下即可…
mesos agent启动失败,报错如下: Feb 15 22:03:18 mesos-slave[1190]: E0215 22:03:18.622994 1192 slave.cpp:7311] EXIT with status 1: Failed to perform recovery: Incompatible agent info detected....Feb 15 22:03:18 mesos-slave[1190]: ---------…
JDBC  indexInsert.addBatch(); 为什么不生效 PSTM…
当在下级中引用上级时,使用相对导包会出错,SystemError: Parent module '' not loaded, cannot perform relative import 运行test_count.py文件 解决方案:在test_count.py文件中加入如下代码,将上上级路径加入到环境变量中 import os import sys path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))…
先上代码: /** * Sample React Native App * * * @format * @flow */ import React, {Component} from 'react'; import {Platform, StyleSheet, Text, View, Image,} from 'react-native'; export default class App extends Comp…
Mutations perform synchronous modifications to the state, but when it comes to make an asynchronous operation, they become useless. Actions are a higher layer on the Vuex pattern, which allow to call mutations asynchronously or even call multiple mut… The likelihood ratio (lr) test, Wald test, and Lagrange multiplier test (sometimes called a score test) are commonly used to evaluate the difference between nested models. One model is conside…