原文:http://www.excella.com/insights/teamcity-vs-jenkins-better-continuous-integration-server So, you’re getting ready to install a continuous integration (CI) server for a .NET project, you’ve done your research and now you want to know:  Which is bet…
I have seen a lot of queries from people who basically want to know how to blend Selenium, Maven, and hudson to achieve continous integration. So I thought I would write up my own recipe which has worked for me. The ingredients that you would need fo…
1 - 持续集成简介 持续集成(Continuous integration,简称CI)是软件的开发和发布标准流程中最重要的部分. 作为一种开发实践,在CI中可以通过自动化等手段高频率地去获取产品反馈并响应反馈的过程. 简单来说,就是持续不断地(一天多次)将代码合并(集成)到主干源码仓库,让产品可以快速迭代,同时保持高质量. 代码每次集成到主干之前,必须通过自动化测试,以便快速发现和定位错误. 持续集成并不能消除错误,而是让它们非常容易发现和改正. 1.1 适合使用持续集成实现自动化的工作类型…
Continuous Integration (CI) Continuous integration (CI) is the process that ensures the stability of all the available developer source code. All working copies of source code are merged into the trunk/main line (instead of a main branch, this can be…
什么叫持续集成? 原文: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/what-is-continuous-integration --------------------------------------------------------------------------- What is Continuous Integration? 04/04/2017 2 minutes to read By: Sam Guckenheimer Co…
Installation via Maven WAR Overlay - Jenkins - Jenkins Wikihttps://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Installation+via+Maven+WAR+Overlay Integrating Jenkins and Apache Tomcat for Continuous Deployment · Pivotal Engineering Journalhttp://engineering.pivo…
Pipeline as Code是2.0的精髓所在,是帮助Jenkins实现CI(Continuous Integration)到CD(Continuous Delivery)华丽转身的关键推手.所谓Pipeline,简单来说,就是一套运行于Jenkins上的工作流框架,将原本独立运行于单个或者多个节点的任务连接起来,实现单个任务难以完成的复杂发布流程(例如下图).Pipeline的实现方式是一套Groovy DSL(类似Gradle),任何发布流程都可以表述为一段Groovy脚本,并且Jenk…
本文由Markdown语法编辑器编辑完成. From https://blog.csdn.net/inter_peng/article/details/53131831 1. 持续集成的概念 持续集成(Continuous Integration)的概念有很多不同的版本,持续集成的出现是为了配合敏捷开发(相对于瀑布开发)的速度和效率而产生的一个用于编译.测试.发布.部署的工具. 为什么叫持续呢?因为编码人员每天都会向项目提交代码,因此项目源码每天都会发生改变,为了能够验证最新的代码是否能够被成功…
Trigger a Build whenever a change occurs. it can help us reduce assumptions on a projecvt by rebuilding software whenever a change occurs in a version control system. The value of CI: Reduce risks Defects are detected and fixed sooner Health of softw…
本文转自:https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/README.html GitLab Continuous Integration (GitLab CI/CD) The benefits of Continuous Integration are huge when automation plays an integral part of your workflow. GitLab comes with built-in Continuous Integration, Co…