memory runs at single channel 解决方案:开机后按DEL ,然后进入BIOS 选择第一项,回车! advanced下面的有个momori什么什么的,选择disable. momori什么什么的有很多cpu什么的…
转自: 摘要(Abstract) The security of computer systems fundamentally relies on memory isolation, e.g., kernel address ranges are marked as non-accessible and are protected from user access. In this p…
目录 . 内存使用情况分析 . 内存泄漏(memory leak) . Valgrind使用 1. 内存使用情况分析 0x1: 系统总内存的分析 可以从proc目录下的meminfo文件了解到当前系统内存的使用情况汇总,其中可用的物理内存 = memfree + buffers + cached当memfree不够时,内核会通过回写机制(pdflush线程)把cached和buffered内存回写到后备存储器,从而释放相关内存供进程使用,或者通过手动方式显式释放cache内存:echo 3 >…
ROM Read-only memory (ROM) is a class of storage medium used in computers and other electronic devices. Data stored in ROM can only be modified slowly, with difficulty, or not at all, so it is mainly used to distribute firmware(software that is very… This article aims to show you how to read/write a process' memory using C# and some methods found in kernel32.dll. This is a good way to learn a part of WinAPI and al…
Today's tutorial is about...processes' memory! In this article I'll show you how to read/write a process' memory using C#. This is a good way to learn a part of WinAPI and also understand the basics of memory allocation. Before starting, we need a "t…
java的NIO和AIO Buffer position.limit.capacity 初始化 Buffer 填充 Buffer 提取 Buffer 中的值 mark() & reset() rewind() & clear() & compact() Channel FileChannel SocketChannel ServerSocketChannel DatagramChannel Selector Buffer 一个 Buffer 本质上是内存中的一块,我们可以将数据写入…
Java网络编程与NIO详解4:浅析NIO包中的Buffer.Channel 和 Selector 转自 本系列文章首发于我的个人博客: 欢迎阅览我的CSDN专栏:Java网络编程和NIO 部分代码会放在我的的Github: J…
前言: 什么是RDMA? 简单来说,RDMA就是指不通过操作系统(OS)内核以及TCP/IP协议栈在网络上传输数据,因此延迟(latency)非常低,CPU消耗非常少. 下面给出一篇简单介绍RDMA的文章之中英文对照翻译. Introduction to Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) | RDMA概述 1. What is RDMA? | 什么是RDMA Direct memory access (DMA) is an ability of a devic…