Create a Hadoop Build and Development Environment Debugging Hadoop Applications with IntelliJ… Almost all .NET developers are accustomed to developing applications using the Visual Studio IDE…
Setting up your development environment 1. download j2se 6 SDK from chmod 775 jdk-6u35-linux-64.bin yes | jdk-6u35-linux-64.bin mv jdk1.6.0_35 /opt ln -s /opt/jdk1.6.0_35/bin/java /us…
最近Google Testing Blog上开始连载The Google Test and Development Environment(Google的测试和开发环境),因为blogspot被墙,我还是原文转载过来. The Google Test and Development Environment - Pt. 1: Office and Equipment The Google Test and Development Environment - Pt. 2: Dogfooding an…
安裝 Android Development Environment 除了上述還得安裝, sudo apt-get install phablet-tools modify bash shell sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash answer : no Installing Repo mkdir ~/bin curl…
Setup iOS Development Environment Install XCode and check-out source code from SVN XCode Please find document from Apple on how to install XCode. Check-out Source Code In XCode, Use menu "Source Control" -> "Check-out" to checkout s… Programming in Go (Golang) – Setting up a Mac OS X Development Environment Published on February 4, 2015 At Distil, we have recently started to use Go (Golang) to expand the…
######################################################## Step One: Update the software package in your operation system. THE COMMAND YOU CAN TYPE INTO YOUR CONSOLE #apt-get update #apt-get dist-upgrade -y --force-yes #################################…
Recently I have been starting to learn Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 about implement plugin and workflow with SDK. The first thing I face is how to set up a development environment for Visual Studio. If you are using Visual Studio 2012 or lower version…
Administrator@DESKTOP-EHCTIOR MINGW64 /d/react-native-eyepetizer (master) $ react-native run-android Starting JS server... Building and installing the app on the device (cd android && gradlew.bat installDebug... FAILURE: Build failed with an excep…