Stephen Toub Download the Code Sample Asynchronous programming has long been the realm of only the most skilled and masochistic of developers-those with the time, inclination and mental capacity to reason about callback after callback of non-linear c…
翻译自:Virtualization and Performance: Understanding VM Exits 出于对特定指令 或 特定事件(eg.  page fault)的响应而导致的VM Exit(虚拟机退出)是造成虚拟化系统性能下降的主要原因.但是你有没有想过,为什么会这样?无论出于什么原因,VM Exit的背后究竟发生了什么? VM Exit意味着从当前运行的VM 到 VMM之间存在一个转换点,而VMM出于特定原因必须执行系统控制.通常,处理器必须保存VM退出时运行状态的快照.对…
Chapter 3: Promises But what if we could uninvert that inversion of control? What if instead of handing the continuation of our program to another party, we could expect it to return us a capability to know when its task finishes, and then our code c…
Chapter 2: Callbacks. Callbacks are by far the most common way that asynchrony in JS programs is expressed and managed. Indeed, the callback is the most fundamental async pattern in the language. 对于JS来说,回调函数是异步工作的马,它很好地完成它的任务,除了.... callbacks有它的缺点.许多…
Chapter 1: Asynchrony: Now & Later 在一门语言中,比如JavaScript, 最重要但仍然常常被误解的编程部分是如何在一个完整的时间周期表示和操作程序行为. 这是关于当你的程序正在部分运行,其他部分等待运行.--这之间的gap. mind the gap!(比如在subway door and the platform) 异步编程就是这个核心: now and later parts of your program 在JS的发展初级, callback func…
Introduction While server virtualization is being widely deployed in an effort to reduce costs and optimize data center resource usage, an additional key area where virtualization has an opportunity to shine is in the area of I/O performance and its… Java Memory Model...and the pragmatics of itAleksey, @shipilev http:/…
From time to time, I receive questions from developers which highlight either a need for more information about the new “async” and “await” keywords in C# and Visual Basic. I’ve been cataloguing these questions, and I thought I’d take this opportunit…
设计模式——.net并行编程,清华大学出版的中译本. 相关资源地址主页面: 代码下载: 书籍在线地址: 使用并行编程的一些示例:…
async与script动态加载都能使文件异步加载,本文叙述它们对页面渲染和load加载的影响方面. 目前我用demo.js作为执行文件操作.代码: var now = function() { return +(new Date()); } var t_s = now(); while(now() - t_s < 2000) { } 用sleep.php作为请求文件操作.代码: <?php sleep(3); echo 'var bb'; ?> 1. 一般script标签加载 <…