ural 1203. Scientific Conference】的更多相关文章

1203. Scientific Conference Time limit: 1.0 second Memory limit: 64 MB Functioning of a scientific conference is usually divided into several simultaneous sections. For example, there may be a section on parallel computing, a section on visualization…
Scientific Conference 之前一直在刷计算几何,邀请赛连计算几何的毛都买见着,暑假这一段时间就做多校.补多校的题目.刷一下一直薄弱的DP.多校假设有计算几何一定要干掉-.- 题意:给你N个报告会的開始时间跟结束时间.问你做多能够听几场报告会.要求报告会之间至少间隔为1. 思路:事实上是个活动安排问题.能够用贪心也能够用DP,贪心写起来会比較简单一些.由于练习DP,所以又用DP写了一遍. 贪心的话就是一个非常easy的活动选择问题,从结束时间入手,找每次的最优选择. 贪心: st…
http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=1203 #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #define maxn 400000 using namespace std; struct node { int s,e; bool operator <(const node &a)const { return ((e<a.…
http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=1203 按照结束时间为主,开始时间为辅排序,那么对于任意结束时间t,在此之前结束的任务都已经被处理,从这个时间开始的任务都正要被处理, 因为t<=3e5,可以用简单dp解决 #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; const int maxn=1e5+5; int n; typedef pair&l…
题目链接 本来觉得这不是经典的贪心吗..果断水一次,wa了,看了看discuss,发现貌似不好水,土土的DP了一下,复杂度很高了,又T了...然后想想单调队列,二分什么的...不好往上加,直接搞了标记数组flag,暴力从大到小,遍历寻找,然后就过了...这算是优化吗,瞎搞... #include <cstring> #include <cstdio> #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <alg…
题目:click here 分明就是贪心怎么会在dp的专题 #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef unsigned long long ll; const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f; ; struct Node { int F, S; bool operator < ( const Node x ) const { return S < x.S; } } p[M]; int n; int main…
列表: URAL 1225 Flags URAL 1009 K-based Numbers URAL 1119 Metro URAL 1146 Maximum Sum URAL 1203 Scientific Conference URAL 1353 Milliard Vasya's Function URAL 1260 Nudnik Photographer URAL 1012 K-based Numbers. Version 2 URAL 1073 Square Country URAL 1…
这几天扫了一下URAL上面简单的DP 第一题 简单递推 1225. Flags #include <iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; #define LL long long LL dp[][]; int main() { int i,n; scanf("%d",&n); dp[][] = ;d…
Conferences ACM SEACM Southeast Regional Conference ACM Southeast Regional Conference the oldest, continuously running, annual conference of the ACM. ACMSE provides an excellent forum for both faculty and students to present their research in a frien…
先写一部分,持续到更新完. A: 寒衣调 Description 男从戎,女守家.一夜,狼烟四起,男战死沙场.从此一道黄泉,两地离别.最后,女终于在等待中老去逝去.逝去的最后是换尽一生等到的相逢和团圆. 某日两人至奈何桥前,服下孟婆汤. 每滴孟婆汤都有强度不一的药效,设一碗孟婆汤共N滴(0<N<100000),其中第i滴(0≤i<N)用b[i]表示. 孟婆汤的药效与原料有关,设熬制前同样有N滴原料,第i滴原料用a[i]表示,0≤a[i]<2^32. 药效b[i]的计算方法为b[i]…