pat 1049. Counting Ones (30)】的更多相关文章

看别人的题解懂了一些些    参考<编程之美>P132 页<1 的数目> #include<iostream> #include<stdio.h> using namespace std; int getone(int n) { int ans=0,base=1,right,left,now; while(n/base) { right=n%base; left=n/(base*10); now=(n/base)%10; if(now==0)ans+=lef…
1049. Counting Ones (30) The task is simple: given any positive integer N, you are supposed to count the total number of 1's in the decimal form of the integers from 1 to N. For example, given N being 12, there are five 1's in 1, 10, 11, and 12. Inpu…
1049. Counting Ones (30) 时间限制 100 ms 内存限制 65536 kB 代码长度限制 16000 B 判题程序 Standard 作者 CHEN, Yue The task is simple: given any positive integer N, you are supposed to count the total number of 1's in the decimal form of the integers from 1 to N. For exam…
1049 Counting Ones (30 分)   The task is simple: given any positive integer N, you are supposed to count the total number of 1's in the decimal form of the integers from 1 to N. For example, given N being 12, there are five 1's in 1, 10, 11, and 12. I…
1049 Counting Ones (30)(30 分) The task is simple: given any positive integer N, you are supposed to count the total number of 1's in the decimal form of the integers from 1 to N. For example, given N being 12, there are five 1's in 1, 10, 11, and 12.…
1049 Counting Ones (30 分) The task is simple: given any positive integer N, you are supposed to count the total number of 1's in the decimal form of the integers from 1 to N. For example, given N being 12, there are five 1's in 1, 10, 11, and 12. Inp…
1004 Counting Leaves (30分) A family hierarchy is usually presented by a pedigree tree. Your job is to count those family members who have no child. Input Specification: Each input file contains one test case. Each case starts with a line containing 0…
题意: 输入一个正整数N(N<=2^30),输出从1到N共有多少个数字包括1. AAAAAccepted code: #define HAVE_STRUCT_TIMESPEC #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main(){ ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL); cout.tie(NULL); int n; cin>>n; ; ,r=,low_bit=,yushu…
数位DP.dp[i][j]表示i位,最高位为j的情况下总共有多少1. #include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<algorithm> #include<cstdio> #include<map> #include<queue> #include<string> #include<vector> using namesp…
题目 The task is simple: given any positive integer N, you are supposed to count the total number of 1's in the decimal form of the integers from 1 to N. For example, given N being 12, there are five 1's in 1, 10, 11, and 12. Input Specification: Each…