[PWA] 5. Hijacking one type of request】的更多相关文章

Previously we saw how to Hijacking all the reqest, but this is not useful. So now we want to see how to Hijacking one kind of request. For example we want servce worker only response to the request ends with ".jpg": self.addEventListener('fetch'…
We want to do offline first, the first thing we need to do is we should able to catch the browser request and return our cache data from serice worker. So user won't go to the real server to fetch data.  So let's see how to do that: self.addEventList…
For example, if the url is not match to any API endpoint, we want to return 404 error message. So first thing, we want to send the request to the server first. If got the response, then we just return it back. self.addEventListener('fetch', (event) =…
1.问题原因 经过测试发现,当客户端页面提交日期为空时会出现以下异常,如果提交日期不为空则不会出现上述问题.出现这种错误的原因是没有对代码中的Date型参数进行格式化,接收为null的日期类型参数时,出现了转换异常.一般是页面的数据与数据库的Date数据类型不同导致的. 2.解决办法 为后台用于接收日期类型并存入数据库的属性进行日期的格式化. 1.为该属性加上格式化注解:@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")(数据库中的日期格式…
Helpers\Request The Helpers\Request class is used for detecting the type of request and retrieving the request. getMethod() Request::getMethod() Returns either GET or POST, depending if a $_GET request or a $_POST request has happened. getIpAddress()…
public string SoapRequest(string url, string message, string type, Encoding encoding) { string result = string.Empty; Stream reqstr = null; System.IO.Stream responseStream = null; System.IO.StreamReader reader = null; try { HttpWebRequest request = W…
1. 下载Visual Studio Code (https://code.visualstudio.com/) 2. 安装插件Debugger for chrome 3. 确定tsconfig.json配置 "sourceMap": true { "compileOnSave": false, "compilerOptions": { "outDir": "./dist/out-tsc", "s…
1. 都是获取request 请求的url路径 2. request.get_full_path() -- 获取当前url,(包含参数) 请求一个http:// request.get_full_path()返回的是[/200/?type=10] request.path --  获取当前url,(但不含参数) request.path返回的是 [/200/] 3. 如果想让其正常显示(有中文的情况下),需进行如下编码处理[django 默认…
本文代码 https://github.com/wuhaibo/readPlainTextDotNetCoreWepApi 总有些时候我们希望获得Request body 的纯文本 那么怎么做呢?很简单.如下所示 public string GetJsonString([FromBody]string content) { return "content: " + content ; } 测试结果如下 request: POST http://localhost:5000/api/va…
cgicc: Overview of the Common Gateway Interface https://www.gnu.org/software/cgicc/doc/cgi_overview.html Main Page Namespaces Classes Files Related Pages Overview of the Common Gateway Interface What is the Common Gateway Interface? The Common Gatewa…